Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr NETTY INO ISCHAK, Dra., M.Kes / 0023026803
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ABSTRAK Yulianti Antula. 2016. Fraksinasi dan Analisis Profil Protein Kerang Darah (Anadara granosa) dengan SDS-PAGE. Skripsi program studi pendidikan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Dr. Netty Ino Ischak, M.Kes dan pembimbing II Deasy Natalia Botutihe, S.Pd, M.Si. Kerang darah (Anadara granosa) banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai bahan makanan. Secara umum kerang dikenal sebagai sumber pangan protein berkualitas tinggi. Namun, studi tentang profil protein kerang darah belum banyak diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan fraksinasi protein dari kerang darah berdasarkan kelarutannya dan analisis profil protein yang diperoleh dengan SDS-PAGE. Fraksinasi protein dilakukan dalam empat tahap dengan kelarutan yang berbeda. Albumin dilarutkan dalam air, globulin dalam NaCl 5%, glutelin dalam NaOH 0.02M, dan prolamin dalam etanol 70%. Masing-masing fraksi dilakukan pengujian profil protein dengan SDS -PAGE. Hasil uji profil protein pada fraksi albumin terdapat 9 jenis protein berdasarkan berat molekulnya yakni 165,95 kDa dan 127,63 kDa, 86,08 kDa, 75,49 kDa, 58,06 kDa, 47,68 kDa, 30,11 kDa, 20,31 kDa, 20.31 kDa, 13,70 kDa. sedangkan untuk fraksi globulin terdapat 9 jenis protein dengan berat molekul 187,23; 177,21; 127,62; 98,15; 91,92; 75,49; 41,81; 33,23 dan 13,70 kDa. Jenis protein berdasarkan berat molekul pada fraksi glutelin terdapat 7 jenis protein yakni 189,23; 127,63; 86,08; 75,49; 41,82; 36,67 dan 13,70 kDa, sedangkan pada fraksi prolamin terdapat empat jenis protein yang memiliki berat molekul sebesar 41 kDa; 30,11 kDa; 20,31 kDa dan 13,70 kDa. Kata kunci : Kerang darah (Anadara granosa), Fraksinasi, Protein dan SDS-PAGE. ABSTRACT Yulianti Antula. 2016. Fractionation and Protein Profile Analysis of Anadara granosa with SDS-PAGE. Skripsi. Study program of Chemistry Education. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural sciences, State University of Gorontalo. Principal supervisor was Dr. Netty Ino Ischak, M.Kes and the co-supervisor was Deasy Natalia Botutihe, S.Pd, M.Si. People are widely used Anadara granosa as food ingredients. Generally, cockle is known as high-quality protein food sources. However, the study of protein profile of Anadara granosia is not widely known. The research aimed at investigating the protein fractionation of Anadara granosa based on its solubility and also analysis of protein profile which obtained by SDS-PAGE. Protein fractionation was conducted in four steps with different solubility. Albumin was dissolved in water, Globulin was dissolved in NaCl 5%, Glutelin was dissolved in NaOH 0,02M and Prolamin was dissolved in ethanol 70%. Each fraction was tested the protein profile by SDS-PAGE. The result of protein profile test on Albumin fraction there are 9 kinds of protein based on molecular weight which are 165,95 kDa and 127,63 kDa, 86,08 kDa, 75,49 kDa, 58,06 kDa, 47,68 kDa, 30,11 kDa, 20,31 kDa, 2,31 kDa. Whereas for globulin fraction there are 9 kinds of protein with molecular weight which are 187,23; 177,21; 127,62; 98,15; 91,92; 75,49; 41,81; 33,23 and 13,70 kDa. Kinds of protein based on molecular weight at glutelin fraction there are 7 kinds of protein which are 189,23; 127,63; 86,08; 75,49; 41,82; 36,67 and 13,70 kDa, while at prolamin fraction there are 4 kinds of protein who has molecular weight as big as 41 kDa; 30,11 kDa; 20,31 kDa and 13,70 kDa. Keywords: Anadara granosa, Fractionation, Protein and SDS-PAGE
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