Penulis / NIM
ANITA MUHAMMAD / 441411047
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. AKRAM LA KILO, M.Si / 0011047702
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
HENDRI IYABU, S.Pd, M.Si / 0009018002
ABSTRAK Anita Muhammad 2016. "Analisis Kadar besi Air Sumur Di kelurahan Dulalowo Dan Heledulaa Kota Gorontalo." Suatu penelitian di Laboratorium Kimia Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I: Dr. Akram La Kilo, M.Si dan Pembimbing II: Hendri Iyabu, S.Pd, M.Si. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar Fe pada air sumur di Kelurahan Dulalowo dan Heledulaa Kota Gorontalo. Penelitian dilakukan selama 1 bulan 2015. Analisis kadar Fe pada penelitian ini menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA). Preparasi sampel dilakukan dengan meneteskan sampel dengan asam nitrat pekat 2 tetes pada volume 50 mL sampai pH sampel 2 kemudian dipanaskan sampai volume menjadi 20 mL. Setelah itu diencerkan dengan aquades hingga 50 mL. Pengukuran kadar Fe pada air sumur dari kelurahan Dulalowo dan Heledulaa Kota Gorontalo pada SSA dengan panjang gelombang 248,33 nm. Hasil penelitian dari kesepuluh sampel tersebut, masing-masing Kelurahan lima sumur, kadar Fe menunjukan pada D1 0,030 ppm, D2 0,265, D3 0,224 ppm, D4 0,158 ppm, D5 0,149, itu pada kelurahan Dulalowo dan Kelurahan Heledulaa H1 0,100 ppm, H2 0,039 ppm, H3 0,159 ppm, H4 0,198 ppm dan H5 0,235 ppm. Hal tersebut menunjukan bahwa kandung Fe belum melewati ambang batas sesuai keputusan Menteri kesehatan RI No.492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 bahwa kadar besi dalam air minum maksimum 0,3 mg/L. Kata Kunci : Air sumur, Besi (Fe). ABSTRACT Anita Muhammad 2016. " Analysis is iron level in well water at dulalowo and heledulaa village of gorontalo city." A research at chemistry laboratory of state university of gorontalo. Skripsi. Department of chemistry education, faculty of mathematics and natural scienes, state university of gorontalo. The principals supervisor was Dr. Akram La Kilo, M.Si and the co-supervisor was Hendri Iyabu, S.Pd, M.Si. This research aimed at investigating Fe level in well water at dulalowo and heledulaa village of gorontalo city. This Research was conducted during 1 month of 2015. The analysis of Fe level in this research used atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Samples preparation was done by dropping the samples withnitrate acid as much as 2 drops in the volume of 50 mL until the pH reached 2. Then, the samples werw heat till the volume decreased to 20 mL. after that, the samples were diluted by using aquades until 50 mL. the measurement of Fe level in well water of dulalowo and heledulaa village og gorontalo city used SSA with wavhe length of 248,33 nm. The research result of tenth samples showed that in dulalowo village, the Fe level found in D1 was 0,030 ppm, in D2 was 0,265 ppm, in D3 was 0,224 ppm, in D4 was 0,158 ppm, and D5 was 0,149 ppm. Meanwhile, in heledulaa village, Fe level found in H1 was 0,100 ppm, in H2 was 0,039 ppm, in H3 was 0,159 ppm, in H4 was 0,198 ppm and in H5 was 0,235 ppm. It showed that the level of Fe was not yet exceeding the threshold based on the decree of health ministry og the republic of Indonesia No. 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 that the maximum Fe level in drinking water is 0,3 mg/L. Keywords: well water, iron (Fe)
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