Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Drs MANGARA SIHALOHO, M.Pd / 0012086608
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
JULHIM S TANGIO, S.Pd, M.Pd / 0028087508
Hairul Mokodongan. 2015. "Description Students Understanding The Concept of Reduction and Oxidation Reactions using Three Tier Test Instruments". Skripsi, Department of Chemistry, Chemical Education Studies Program Faculty of Mathematics and Science, State University of Gorontalo. Supervisor I: Drs. Mangara Sihaloho, M. Pd and Supervisor II: Julhim S Tangio, S.Pd., M.Pd
This research is qualitative descriptive research. The aims of this reasearch is to know the students understanding concern to concept of reduction and oxidation reactions by using instruments Three Tier Test. The number of samples are 27 students grade of 2013 majoring of chemistry education. Collecting data techenique is using Three Tier Test instruments, and data analyze by applying of data reduction. The data result is clasified based on the correct answer because of knowing the concept and the incorrect answer because of missconception and also incorrect answer because of lack of the concept. Furthermore, the researcher is doing an interview to students who are answered incorrectly to know their reasons. The reaserch result shows that the students are still have a very low understanding on the concept of reduction and oxidation reactions which is the lower percentage is the correct anwer of tahu konsep, at 26.7%, then the second low percentage is misconceptions answer which is at 25.2% and the higher percentage is lack of concept, which is at 48.1% .The missconception answers are caused by thinking of associative, intuitive, the reason is not complete, and the lack of accounting ability, while they are who do not know the concept is commonly caused by a lack of basic knowledge on the concept of reduction and oxidation reactions.
Keywords: understanding concepts, Three Tier Test, interview.
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