Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. Eng. RIFADLI BAHSUAN, ST, MT / 0003047410
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
KASMAT SALEH NUR, S.T., M.Eng / 0030047603
Concrete compressive strength is the ability to receive a force perunit area.. The use the of the admixture can make concrete mixing easier (workability), and to accelerate the work hardening, raise the quality of concrete and it can reduce the water content the concrete mix.
The composition of the research was the procurement of aggreagat from Bone river, aggregate testiny included testing of the aggregate density, testing of the gradation (sieve analysis), testing of concrete compressive strength. Furthermore, after all the aggregate qualified in test next process was the mix design. SNI method was used in this research . Then test the proceed of concrete mixture, compacting and molding the concrete, and finally concrete compressive strength testing which done when the concrete reaches 28 days starting from the time of the opening of the concrete mold.
The highest result of compressive strength testing was 22 039 MPa. The test result is lower than f'c design. By the result of the test, it can be known that the aggregate in the Bone river that taken under Talumolo bridge II has not been good classification in the implementation of concrete mixed with aggregate 30% attrition rate.
Keywords: Concrete, admixture, compressive strength, aggregate.
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