Penulis / NIM
SRI VONY RAHIM / 511407078
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
YULIYANTY KADIR, S.T., M.T. / 0030047202
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
FRICE LAHMUDIN DESEI, ST., M.Sc / 0003097303
Segment of highway Limboto was the main connecting road of the busiest in the district of Gorontalo was selected as the research site. Research aims to obtain information on the total of moves, knowing the determinants that affect the towing vehicle and gained attraction regression equation models the movement of the Telaga shopping center.
Data collection techniques consists of collecting primary data and secondary data. Secondary data such as total of vehicles, total of residents, shop floor area, and total of visitors. The primary data obtained directly at the site, in the form of an interview questionnaire visitors shopping for 5 days, in the form of the volume of vehicles into the mall, and the socio-economic condition of visitors. The method used in analyzing the data was by using regression analysis method. Get the model attraction movement by using SPSS software (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 18.
Total attraction movement on eight Telaga shopping center that became the object of study for 5 days consecutive was 1824 motorcycle or 51,74%, 5686 bentor or 16,13%, 2460 private cars or 6,98%, 1123 transit passengers or 3,19%, 1120 of freight transport or 3,18%, and 6626 pedestrians or 18,79%. Model attraction movement at Telaga shopping center was a model obtained by simple regression analysis. The model obtained was Y = 38.286 + (0035). X3 and Y = 43.938 + (0084). X2. Variables that influence attraction the movement was the total bentor (X3) and total of motorcycles (X2).
Keywords: attraction the movement of vehicles, a simple regression analysis and SPSS.
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