Penulis / NIM
ARBAIN WAURAN / 511411057
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
YULIYANTY KADIR, S.T., M.T. / 0030047202
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
FRICE LAHMUDIN DESEI, ST., M.Sc / 0003097303
INTISARI ARBAIN WAURAN. 2018. Evaluasi Kinerja Simpang Tak Bersinyal Depan Terminal Transit Car Telaga Kabupaten Gorontalo. Skripsi, Program Studi S1 Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Yuliyanti Kadir, S.T., M.T, Pembimbing II Frice L. Desei S.T., M.Sc. Simpang tak bersinyal depan Terminal Transit Car merupakan simpang tiga lengan yang berada di sekitar Terminal Transit Car Telaga Kabupaten Gorontalo. Simpang ini berada antara Jalan Ahmad A. Wahab dan Jalan Musa kaluku. Tujuan dari penelitian ini (1) menganalisis arus lalu lintas (2) kinerja simpang tak bersinyal depan Terminal Trasnsit Car Telaga Kabupaten Gorontalo dan (3) pengaruh pembangunan Terminal Transit Car Telaga terhadap kinerja simpang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pengumpulan data dengan melakukan survei dilapangan untuk data primer seperti geometrik jalan dan volume kendaraan.dan data sekunder berupa jumlah penduduk Kabupaten Gorontalo menurut proyeksi tahun 2017 yang diperoleh dari Kabupaten Gorontalo Dalam Angka 2018 yang bersumber dari BPS Kabupaten Gorontalo. Kemudian diolah dengan sistem komputerisasi program Microsoft Excel dengan menggunakan acuan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI 1997). Berdasarkan hasil analisa diperoleh volume arus lalu lintas kendaraannya (QTOT) sebesar 2718,1 smp/jam atau kurang dari kapasitas simpang sebenarnya sebesar 3136,1 smp/jam, nilai derajat kejenuhan (DS) sebesar 0,85, nilai tundaan (D) sebesar 13,74 dan nilai panjang antrian (QPatas) 57,4% - (QPbawah) 29,03% tingkat penilaian simpang bernilai B, pengaruh pembangunan Terminal Transit Car terhadap kinerja simpang hanya berpengaruh sedikit yakni diperoleh nilai derajat kejenuhan (DS) sebesar 0,87, nilai tundaan (D) sebesar 14,28 dan nilai panjang antrian (QPatas) 60,01% - (QPbawah) 29,03% . Kata Kunci : Kinerja, Simpang Tak Bersinyal, Terminal Transit car, Telaga ABSTRACT WAURAN, ARBAIN. 2018.An Evaluation of the Performance of Unsignalized Intersection in Transit Car Terminal, Telaga, Gorontalo Regency. Undergraduate Thesis. Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Principal Supervisor: Yuliyanti Kadir, S.T., M.T. Co-supervisor: Frice L. Desei, S.T., M.Sc. The unsignalized intersection is a 3-way intersection in Transit Car Terminal, Telaga, Gorontalo Regency. This intersection is located between Ahmad A. Wahab street and Musa Kaluku street. The objective of this research is to analyze (1) the traffic flow, (2) the performance of unsignalized intersection in Transit Car Terminal, Telaga, Gorontalo Regency, and (3) the effect of the development of the terminal on the performance of the intersection. The data were generated by surveying the research site. Furthermore, these data comprise of primary data (geometric of the road and volume of vehicles) and secondary data (the number of population in Gorontalo regency according to the projection of 2017 from the data of Central Statistics Body of Gorontalo Regency 2018). The data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel program and by referring to the guideline of Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual (MKJI 1997). The analysis reveals that the volume of traffic (QTOT) reaches 2718.1 PCU/hour or less than the real capacity of the intersection of 3136.1 PCU/hour. The density (DS) is at 0.85, the delay measures (D) at 13.74 and the value of length of queue (QPupper) 57.4% - (QPlower) 29.03% where the score of the level of intersection assessment level is B. Furthermore, it is revealed that the development of Transit Car terminal does not significantly contribute to the intersection with the value of density (DS) measuring at 0.87, the delay (D) at 14.28, and the value of the length of queue (QPupper) 60.01% - (QPlower) 29.03%. . Keywords: Evaluation, Unsignalized Intersection, Transit Car Terminal, Telaga
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