Penulis / NIM
RIFAL S. POTALE / 511411074
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
YULIYANTY KADIR, S.T., M.T. / 0030047202
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr MARIKE MAHMUD, S.T., M.Si / 0007086905
INTISARI Rifal S. Potale, Analisis Kebutuhan Angkutan Sewa Umum Rute Kota Gorontalo - Sumalata. Skripsi, Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Yuliyanti Kadir, S.T.,M.T. Pembimbing II Dr. Marike Mahmud, S.T.,M.Si Angkutan sewa umum itu sendiri mempunyai karakteristik pelayanan yang berbeda dengan angkutan umum lainnya, karena memiliki ciri pelayanan dari pintu ke pintu dan daya jelajah yang cukup tinggi sehingga dapat masuk ke kota dan pelosok yang tidak bisa dilewati oleh angkutan umum lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) menganalisis biaya operasional kendaraan (BOK), 2) menganalisis kebutuhan angkutan sewa umum berdasarkan BOK dan pendapatan, 3) menganalisis kebutuhan angkutan sewa umum berdasarkan metode permintaan dan penawaran . Analisis BOK menggunakan perhitungan berdasarkan metode Direktur Jendral Perhubungan Darat nomor SK. 687/AJ.206/DRJD/2002 yang meliputi biaya tetap dan biaya tidak tetap. Analisis kebutuhan angkutan sewa umum berdasarkan Biaya Operasi Kendaraan (BOK) dan pendapatan serta metode permintaan dan penawaran. Pengambilan data pada penelitian ini yaitu data primer yang diperoleh dari responden melalui wawancara, dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari beberapa sumber seperti instansi terkait, perorangan maupun dari studi literatur seperti peta lokasi dan data penduduk. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh BOK yang dikeluarkan angkutan sewa umum selama beroperasi sebesar Rp. 455.720/ hari. Hasil kebutuhan angkutan sewa umum berdasarkan Biaya Operasi Kendaraan (BOK) dan pendapatan didapat sebesar 13 unit. Angkutan sewa umum yang beroperasi saat ini berjumlah 9 unit, maka perlu diadakan penambahan angkutan sewa umum sebesar 4 unit sedangkan berdasarkan metode permintaan dan penawaran didapat sebesar 24 unit maka perlu diadakan penambahan angkutan sewa umum sebesar 15 unit. Kata Kunci : Angkutan Sewa Umum, BOK, Kebutuhan ABSTRACK Rifal S. Potale, Analysis of Public Transports Needs Route Gorontalo City - Sumalata. Skripsi, Departement of Civil Engineering State of Gorontalo. The Principal Supervisior is Yuliyanti Kadir, S.T.,M.T. and the Co- Supervisior is Dr. Marike Mahmud, S.T.,M.Si. Public transport itself has different service characteristics with the others public transportasion, because it has the characteristics of door-to-door service and high roaming power so that it can enter the city and remote areas that cannot be passed by the other public rental tansports. The research aimed at 1) analyzing the vehicles operating coasts (VOC), 2) analyzing public transports needs based on vehicles operating coast and income, 3) analysing public transports needs based on demand and supply methods. The analysis of vehicle operating costs used a calculation based on Director General of Land Transportation method with SK numbers 687/AJ.206/DRDJ/2002 which includes fixed costs and variable costs. Analysis of public transports needs based on Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC), income, and demand and supply methods. Data collection of this research is the primary data which were obtained from the respondents through interview, and secondary data obtained from some sources such as related agencis, individuals and from literature studies such as location maps and population data. Based on the analysis result, it reveals that vehicles operating costs which are issued by the public transport during operation is IDR 455.720/ day. The result of public transpots need based on the Vahicles Operating Costs (VOC) and income obtain 13 units. Public transports which currently operating is 9 units. Hence, it is necessary to add 4 units of public transportation, while based on the demand and supply method it obtains 24 units then it is necessary to add 15 units of public transports. Keywords : Public Transports, Vahicle Operating Costs
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