Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
ARFAN UTIARAHMAN, S.T., M.T. / 0023087503
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr MARIKE MAHMUD, S.T., M.Si / 0007086905
INTISARI Air adalah salah satu kebutuhan pokok kehidupan manusia di bumi. Kebutuhan pada air terus meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan aktifitas sehari-hari. PDAM Unit Kabila Bone memiliki 1 unit IPA yang berkapasitas 20 ltr/dtk untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih di Kecamatan Kabila Bone, belum berfungsi secara optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui kualitas air dan ketersediaan air PDAM Unit Kabila Bone, serta mengevaluasi kriteria desain unit instalasi pengolahan air. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis kualitas air baku dan kualitas air produksi, kuantitas air baku dan kapasitas instalasi pengolahan air (IPA), serta kebutuhan air. Kualitas air dianalisis di laboratorium kesehatan daerah Provinsi Gorontalo. Analisis kualitas air baku menggunakan PP No. 82 Tahun 2001. Analisis kualitas produksi menggunakan PERMENKES No. 492 Tahun 2010. Analisis proyeksi penduduk menggunakan metode geometrik. Analisis kebutuhan air menggunakan kriteria perencanaan PU (1996). Evaluasi unit instalasi pengolahan air berdasarkan kriteria desain SNI 6774:2008. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas air baku yang digunakan telah memenuhi standar baku mutu air kelas 1, untuk kualitas air produksi parameter E coli, seng dan besi tidak memenuhi standar baku mutu untuk air minum. Ketersediaan air baku belum memenuhi kebutuhan air untuk 15 tahun akan datang, karena debit air baku yang terpasang yaitu 7,5 ltr/dtk lebih kecil dari kebutuhan air 15 tahun kedepan yaitu 13 ltr/dtk. Kapasitas tampung IPA 20 ltr/dtk masih dapat menampung air untuk diproduksi hingga 15 tahun akan datang. Unit-unit di instalasi pengolahan air Unit Kabila Bone belum sesuai kriteria desain perencanaan SNI 6774 : 2008. Kata Kunci : Kebutuhan air, Evaluasi kinerja, Instalasi Pengolahan Air. ABSTARCT Water is one of the basic needs of human life on earth. The need keeps increasing for growing population and human daily activity. The Municipal Waterworks of Kabila Bone Unit has 1 unit of Water Treatment Installation with 20 liters/second capacity to supply clean water need of people in Kabila Bone Sub-district, yet it is not optimally functioned. This research aims to investigate the water quality and its supply at Municipal Waterworks of Kabila Bone Unit and to evaluate criteria for water treatment installation unit design. The research is conducted by analyzing quality of raw water and water production, quantity of raw water, and capacity of Water Treatment Installation as well as water need. The quality of water is analyzed in regional health laboratory of Gorontalo Province. Analysis of raw water quality uses PP No. 82 of 2001 while the study of production quality employs PERMENKES No.492 of 2010. Then, analysis of population projection applies geometric method and water need analysis uses criteria of the planning of PU (1996), as well as evaluation of water treatment installation unit, is based on design criteria of SNI 6774:2008. Research finding reveals that quality of raw water has met the standard of water quality class 1, quality of water production with parameters of E coli, zinc, and iron do not meet the standard of quality for drinking water. The supply of raw water has not yet meet water need 15 years later as the isntalled debit of raw water is 7,5 liters/second that is lower than the need of water 15 years later which is 13 liters/second. The capacity of Water Treatment Installation for 20 liters/second can accommodate water for next 15 years production. The units in Water Treatment Installation of Kabila Bone Unit have not yet based on planning design criteria of SNI 6774:2008. Keywords : Water need, Perfomance evaluation, Water Treatment Installation.
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