Penulis / NIM
SUZAN NOY / 511413036
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. MOHAMMAD YUSUF TULOLI, S.T., M.T. / 0004017703
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
YULIYANTY KADIR, S.T., M.T. / 0030047202
INTISARI Suzan Noy, Analisis Pemintaan dan Penawaran Pelayanan Taksi di Bandara Djalaludin. Skripsi, Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing 1 Dr. M. Yusuf Tuloli, S.T., M.T. Pembimbing 2 Yuliyanti Kadir, S.T., M.T. Peningkatan perjalanan di Bandara Djalaludin mendorong transportasi pada sisi darat untuk berkembang dengan cepat, maka diperlukan analisis permintaan dan penawaran taksi di Bandara Djalaludin Gorontalo. Tujuan penelitian untuk 1) mengevaluasi kondisi pelayanan taksi bandara, 2) mengetahui karakteristik pengguna layanan, 3) mengoptimalkan kinerja pelayanan taksi, dan 4) mengetahui permintaan kebutuhan taksi bandara. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan metode survey tentang karakteristik dan persepsi masyarakat terhadap tingkat kepuasaan pelayanan taksi bandara menggunakan Severity Indexs. Mengetahui kebutuhan taksi bandara dilakukan analisis data menggunakan dua metode sebagai perbandingan yaitu menurut PM No. 108 Tahun 107 dan metode perkiraan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh karakteristik dan persepsi pengguna terhadap pelayanan taksi bandara penilaian pelayanan baik dari semua indikator dengan Severity Indexs persentase nilai rata-rata 71,51%. Pada hasil untuk perhitungan kebutuhan dengan dua metode hasil yang didapat berbeda yaitu metode menggunakan rumus permintaan dan penawaran menurut PM No. 108 Tahun 107 armada taksi bandara harus ditambah armada dimana hasil didapat dibutuhkan 130 " 134 kendaraan sehingga penambahan armada sebanyak 18 " 24 kendaraan sedangkan untuk metode perkiraan 52 " 55 kendaraan yang dibutuhkan, sehingga harus dilakukan pengurangan sebanyak 57 " 60 armada. Kata-kata kunci : Bandara Djalaludin, Kebutuhan, Pelayanan, Taksi Bandara ABSTRACT Noy, Suzan. An Analysis of Supply and Demand for Taxi Services in Djalaludin Airport. Undergraduate Thesis. Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Principal Supervisor: Dr. M. Yusuf Tuloli, S.T., M.T. Co-supervisor: Yuliyanti Kadir, S.T., M.T. An increase in travel at Djalaludin airport urges rapid development of land transportation. For this reason, an analysis of supply and demand for taxi services in the airport is also essential. The objective of this research is 1) to evaluate the condition of taxi services, 2) to find out the characteristics of the service users, 3) to optimize the performance of the taxi services, and 4) to explore the demands for an airport taxi. This research employed the survey method on the characteristics and perception of the community about the level of satisfaction in the use of airport taxi using the Severity Indexes. The method of data analysis by the Ministry Regulation Number 108 of 107 and the estimation method was applied in identifying the needs for an airport taxi. The result shows that the characteristics and perception of the service users on taxi services are in a good category for all indicators in the Severity Indexes with the average score of 71.51%. Furthermore, the result of the needs analysis using the formula of supply and demand by the aforementioned ministry regulation suggests that the number of taxis needs to be increased into 130-134 units. This signifies that 18 - 24 units of taxi are needed for fulfilling such a demand. In addition, the estimation method suggests that an ideal number of the taxi ranges from 52 - 55 units, meaning that 57 - 60 units of taxi need to be decreased. Keywords: Djalaludin Airport, Needs, Services, Airport Taxi
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