Penulis / NIM
HAZRIN DATU / 511415034
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
MIRZAN GANI, S.T., M.T / 0017067804
Hazrin Datu, 2020. Analisis Balok Dangkal dan Balok Tinggi Beton Bertulang yang Berlubang dengan Strut and Tie Model, Program studi S1 Teknik Sipil, Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing utama Dr. Rahmani Kadarningsih, S.T., M.T. dan Pembimbing pendamping Mirzan Gani, S.T., M.T. Tinjauan dalam penelitian ini yaitu variasi letak lubang pada balok dangkal dan balok tinggi dianalisis dengan metode Strut and Tie Model. Tujuan penelitian untuk: 1) Mengetahui pengaruh lubang pada balok beton bertulang terhadap penulangan longitudinal dan transversal pada balok. 2) Perbandingan volume tulangan pada balok beton bertulang akibat penempatan lubang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Berdasarkan variasi letak lubang yang menjadi tinjauan pada penelitian ini, letak lubang pada balok dapat mempengaruhi penulangan pada balok. Dimana lubang yang mendekati tumpuan dapat meningkatkan tulangan geser, dan lubang yang berada tepat di bawah beban dapat menambah tulangan lentur di atas lubang. 2) Letak lubang yang berbeda pada balok dapat berpengaruh pada kebutuhan volume tulangan, dimana pada balok dangkal dua lubang mendekati tumpuan volume tulangan 1766191 mm3 dan satu lubang di tengah bentang kebutuhan volume tulangan 1267790 mm3 artinya terjadi penurunan volume tulangan sebesar 28,2%. Pada balok tinggi dengan dua lubang mendekati tumpuan kebutuhan volume tulangan 1340882 mm3 dan satu lubang tepat di tengah bentang volume tulangan 1157111 mm3 artinya terjadi penurunan volume tulangan sebesar 13,7%. Kata kunci: Strut and Tie Model, Daerah D & B, Balok Tinggi, Balok Dangkal, dan Balok Berlubang ABSTRACT Hazrin Datu, 2020. Analysis of Shallow Beam and Reinforced Concrete Deep Beam with Openings using Strut and Tie Model. Bachelor,s Degree Program of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Gorontalo, The Principal Supervisor is Dr. Rahmani Kadarningsih, S.T., M.T, and the Co-supervisor is Mirzan Gani, S.T., M.T, This research observes the variation of the location of opening/holes at shallow beam and deep beam that are analyzed by the Strut and Tie Model method. The research aims at 1) Finding out the effect of the opening at reinforced concrete beam towards longitudinal and transverse reinforcement at beam. 2) Determining the rasio of reinforcement volume at reinforced concrete deep beam duet o the placement of the openings. The research finding show that: 1) Based on variations of holes������ location that are reviewed in this study, the location of the holes at beam effecting the reinforcement of beam in which the holes approach to the pedestal can increas the shear reinforcement, while the hole directly under the load can increase the flexural reinforcement above the hole. 2) the different locations of the openings at the beam can effect the need for reinforcement volume, wherein the shallow beam with two holes approach the pedestal, the reinforcement volume requirement is 1766191 mm3, and one hole in the mid-span require reinforcement volume for 1267790 mm3, this means that there is a decline in the reinforcement volume fo 28,2%. Meanwhile, at the deep beam with two holes approach the pedestal, the reinforcement volume requirement is 1340882 mm3, and one hole in the mid-span, the reinforcement volume requirement is 1157111 mm3, meaning that there is a decline in the volume reinforcement for 13,7%. Keywords: Strut and Tie Model, D&B Region, Deep Beams, Shallow Beams, and Beam with Openings
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