Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Ir. RAWIYAH HUSNAN, M.T. / 0027046408
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Ir. H. BARRY YUSUF LABDUL, M.T. / 0023096502
Musa, S. 2020. Local scours potential towards Bridge Abutment (A case study at Ayumolingo Bridge in Pulubala Sub-district of Pulubala Discrict Of Gorontalo ) Skripsi. Bachelor���s Degre Program in course, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Gorontalo. The Principal Supervisor is Ir. Rawiyah Husnan, M.T. and co-supervisior Ir. Barry Y. Labdul. M.T.
Local Scour is triggered the movement of sediment trsansport along with the flow and the increase of turbulen flow generated by structural disturbance. Abutmen is a Structural part of bridge located oh the riverbank which can lead to a change in flow patterns. Local scour in the abutmen occurs in the upstream while deposition accurs in the downsream. The research was aimed at understanding the depth of scour, local scour pattern around the abutment, and the effect of hydraulic condition within the flow scour
The research site was located in the bridge abutmen of Ayumolingo, Subdistrict of Pulubala, District of gorontalo. The measurement method used grid. It divides scour location to become several grids and measure the depth of the scour. Pattern of the scour was visualized by surfer software.
The research showed a different depth of field (Ds), at each observation time. Increased depth of scour occurring with observation times of 1 day 10 days, 20 days, 40 days, and 60 days sequentially are 20.10 cm; 17.7 cm; 18.50 cm; 17.10 cm; 16.9 cm. A scour pattern that occurs forming a hole with a distance of 30 cm from the front abutment, while the resulting scour width is 90 cm. The flow hydraulic parameters in abutment around the scours location are the Froude number (Fr) of 0.233 and the Reynolds (Re) of 145.180 which include a critical sub turbulent flow.
Keywords: Local Scouring, Abutment Bridges, Surfer
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