Penulis / NIM
WAHYUNI / 531410007
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ABD. AZIZ BOUTY, M.Kom. / 0014108001
The determination of the level of prosperity and type of relief goods distribution is considered as not good yet. This is due to the frequency of error that occurs in determining the level of prosperity and relief good distribution that is considered as not appropriate to the target. Therefore , it needs a decision supporting system that can solve this problem. The method applied in this research was SMARTER (Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Ranks) with ROC weighting method. This method is one of methods of decision supporting system that is used in decision making with varios criteria. There are four criteria in terms of level of community's prosperity. They are physic, spritual, facility featur, and commonity participation. Each criterion consists of sub-criterion. Meanwhile, there are 4 main criteria in the termination of relief good distribution such as house condition, economic condition, health condition, and education condition. Then, the weighted process was conducted using ROC method. The results were processed using SMARTER. Then, it will be resulting the appropriate commonity's level of prosperity and type of relief goods.
Keywords : Community's Prosperity, Good Relief Distribution, Decision Supporting System, SMARTER, ROC.
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