Penulis / NIM
ROFLIN MUSA / 531413131
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
EDI SETIAWAN, M.Kom / 0015057903
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
SITTI SUHADA, S.Kom., MT / 0028057802
ROFLIN MUSA. A Webgis Based Monograph Information System, Case Study In Telaga Sub-District Area. (The principal supervisor is Edi Setiawan, S.Kom,.M.Kom, and the co-supervisor is Sitti Suhada, S.Kom,.MT).
The current monograph reporting and the data recapitulation processes have not used an optimum computerized system. Thus it raises problems including complicating people in seeking the monograph data, retardation of monograph reporting process and causing people to be not informed regarding the condition of the certain area. The research aimed to devolep a WebGis based monograph information system to quicken recapitulation process of monograph data and to facilitate people in reporting the monograph data including in village, sub-district, district and province level as well as to inform the monograph data to people. The research applied a prototype method for system devolepment. The research created a WebGis based monograph information system that was able to quicken recapitulation process of monograph , to facilitate people in finding the needed monograph data and to facilitate the village, sub-district, district and province to keep updating the development of the particular area. This ease worked through utilizing GIS (Geographic Information System) to map a certain area based on provided monograph data.
Keywords: Information System, monograph, prototype
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