Penulis / NIM
ZURIATY GOBEL / 613412141
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. Ir ZULZAIN ILAHUDE, MP / 0009076310
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. NURMI, SP.MP / 0010047111
ABSTRAK Zuriaty Gobel, 613412141. Evaluasi Status Hara C-organik, N, P, K dan pH Tanah Pada Lahan Pertanian di Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Dibawah bimbingan Zulzain Ilahude Sebagai Pembimbing I dan Nurmi Sebagai Pembimbing II Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status unsur hara Tanah serta pH tanah pada lahan pertanian Di Kecamatan Kabila Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Adapun Lokasi penelitian yaitu Desa Oluhuta Utara, Desa Pauwo, dan Desa Dutohe Kecamatan Kabila Kabupaten Bone Bolango Provinsi Gorontalo. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang status kesuburan tanah dilihat dari beberapa sifat kimia tanah seperti C-Organik, N, P, K dan pH pada lahan sawah dan tegalan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa status hara tanah pada lahan sawah tidak berbeda dengan status hara pada lahan jagung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Lahan tegalan di Desa Oluhuta Utara terdapat unsur hara C-organik sebesar 2,16%, Nitrogen 0,25%, Fospor 25,32 mg/100g, Kalium 10,36 mg/100g, dan pH 6,25. Sedangkan untuk lahan sawah memiliki C-organik sebesar 2,33%, Nitrogen 0,16%, fospor 24,63 mg/100g, kalium 12,22 mg/100g, dan pH 6,35. Pada lahan tegalan di Desa Dutohe terdapat C-organik sebsar 2,25%, Nitrogen 0,21%, Fospor 24,23 mg/100g, Kalium 19,36 mg/100g dan pH 6,32. Pada lahan sawah C-organik sebesar 2,24%, Nitrogen 0,22%, Fospor 23,24 mg/100g, Kalium 15,24 mg/100g dan pH 6,14. Di Desa Pauwo pada lahan tegalan terdapat unsur hara Carbon sebesar 2,14%, Nitrogen 0,16%, Fospor 25,62 mg/100g, Kalium 14,25 mg/100g, dan pH 6,24. Pada lahan sawah Carbon sebesar 2,16%, Nitrogen 0,14%, Fospor 25,87 mg/100g, Kalium 10,63 mg/100g, dan pH 6,22. Kata kunci : Kabupaten Bonebolango, Lahan pertanian, Status hara ABSTRACT Zuriaty Gobel, 613412141. Evaluation of nutrient status of C-organic, N, P, K and soil pH on agricultural land in Bone Bolango district. Under the guidance of Zulzain Ilahude as Supervisor I and Nurmi As Supervisor II This study aims to determine the status of soil nutrients and soil pH on agricultural land In Kabila District Bone Bolango District. The study sites are North Oluhuta Village, Pauwo Village, and Dutohe Village, Kabila District, Bone Bolango Province, Gorontalo Province. This research was conducted to obtain information about soil fertility status seen from some soil chemical properties such as C-Organic, N, P, K and pH on paddy field and moor. The results showed that soil nutrient status in paddy field was not different with nutrient status on corn field. The results showed that there were 2.16% of C-organic nutrients in North Oluhuta village, 0.25% Nitrogen, 25.32 mg / 100g of Fospor, Potassium 10.36 mg / 100g, and pH 6.25. While for paddy field have C-organic equal to 2,33%, Nitrogen 0,16%, fospor 24,63 mg / 100g, potassium 12,22 mg / 100g, and pH 6,35. In dry land in Dutohe village there is C-organic sebsar 2.25%, Nitrogen 0.21%, Fospor 24.23 mg / 100g, Potassium 19.36 mg / 100g and pH 6.32. In the C-organic rice field of 2.24%, Nitrogen 0.22%, Fospor 23.24 mg / 100g, Potassium 15.24 mg / 100g and pH 6.14. In Pauwo Village, there are 2.14% of Carbon nutrients, 0.16% Nitrogen, 25.62 mg / 100g of Fospor, Potassium 14.25 mg / 100g, and pH 6.24. In the land of Carbon is 2,16%, Nitrogen 0,14%, Fospor 25,87 mg / 100g, Potassium 10,63 mg / 100g, and pH 6,22. Keywords: Bonebolango District, Agricultural land, nutrient status
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