Penulis / NIM
ADNAN MAKUTA / 621411017
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
drh. TRI ANANDA ERWIN NUGROHO, M.Sc / 0006108003
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. MUHAMMAD SAYUTI, S.Pt., M.Si. / 0031126736
ABSTRAK ADNAN MAKUTA 2015. Derajat Infeksi Helminthiasis Saluran Pencernaan Sapi Di Kabupaten Boalemo. Di bimbing oleh Tri Ananda Erwin Nugroho dan Muhammad Sayuti M. Helminthiasis berasal dari kata Yunani "helmins," yang berarti "cacing," merupakan istilah kategoris yang luas mengacu pada berbagai jenis parasit cacing yang banyak terdapat dalam tubuh. Pada umumnya Helminthiasis dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan kronis yang suatu faktor penting dari kerugian ekonomis dan usaha peternakaan. Cacing merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh adanya infestasi cacing pada tubuh hewan, baik pada saluran percernaan, pernapasan, hati, maupun pada bagian tubuh lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujun untuk mengetahui derajat infeksi helminthiasis pada saluran pencernaan sapi di Kabupaten Boalemo. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni sampai bulan Agustus 2015. Sampel sapi diambil secara acak dan proposional di setiap kecamatan yang ada di Kabupaten Boalemo. Penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin dengan derajat ketepatan 90% dari jumlah populasi sapi di Kabupaten Boalemo 33.560 ekor. Metode pemerikasaan menggunanakan metode Mc. Master. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari 100 sampel feses sapi yang diperiksa, sebanyak 64 sampel feses sapi mengalami cacingan. Dari 64 sampel tersebut sebanyak 7 (10,93%) sampel mengalami cacingan berat dengan jumlah telur yang di temukan 25-28 butir telur, sebanyak 33 sampel (51,56%) mengalami cacingan sedang dengan jumlah telur yang ditemukan 3-18 butir telur dan 24 (37,5%) sampel mengalami cacingan ringan dengan jumlah telur yang ditemukan 1-2 butir. Faktor yang mempengaruhi adanya infeksi cacingan pada sapi di Kabupaten Boalemo meliputi pola pemeliharaan dan pemberian pakan yang tidak terkontrol. Kata Kunci : Derajat Infeksi, Helminthiasis, Saluran Pencernaan pada Sapi. ABSTRACT ADNAN MAKUTA 2015. The degree of helminthiasis infection Gastrointestinal Cow In the district was. Guided by Ananda Tri Nugroho and Muhammad Sayuti Erwin M. Helminthiasis is derived from the Greek word "helmins," which means "worm," a categorical term that broadly refers to various kinds of parasitic worms are abundant in the body. In general, helminthiasis can cause chronic health problems are an important factor of economic losses and business peternakaan. Worm is a disease caused by a worm infestation in the animal's body, both in the digestive tract, respiratory, liver, and other body parts. This study was to determine the degree bertujun helminthiasis infection in the digestive tract of cattle in the district was. The study was conducted from June to August 2015. Samples were taken at random cows and proportional in each sub-districts in the district was. Determination of the number of samples using Slovin formula with a degree of accuracy of 90% of the total cattle population in the district was 33 560 birds. Menggunanakan examination method Mc method. Master. The results showed that of 100 samples of cattle feces were examined, as many as 64 samples of cow feces experiencing intestinal worms. Of the 64 samples as much as 7 (10.93%) samples experienced severe intestinal worms with the number of eggs were found 25-28 eggs, as many as 33 samples (51.56%) had intestinal worms being the number of eggs were found to 3-18 eggs and 24 (37.5%) samples experienced a mild intestinal worms with the number of eggs were found 1-2 eggs. Factors that influence the worm infection in cattle in the district was covering and feeding patterns are not controlled. Keywords: Degrees infections, helminthiasis, Gastrointestinal on Cattle.
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