Penulis / NIM
FERAWATI KAABA / 621411101
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
FAHRUL ILHAM, S.Pt, M.Si / 0007068003
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Ir. SYUKRI I GUBALI, M.P / 0014056506
Ferawati Ka'aba. 2016. Identifikasi Sifat Kualitatif Kambing Peranakan Ettawah (PE), Kambing Kacang dan Persilangan Kambing Peranakan Ettawah X Kambing Kacang. Dibawah Bimbingan Fahrul Ilham dan Syukri I Gubali.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi sifat kualitatif kambing PE, kambing kacang, persilangan kambing PE X kacang. Pengumpulan data di laksanakan pada bulan Desember 2015-Januari 2016 di Kota Gorontalo dengan jumlah sampel kambing kacang 61 ekor, kambing PE 30 ekor, persilangan kambing PE X kacang 88 ekor berjenis kelamin betina. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan warna pada bulu kambing PE dan kacang adalah hitam, putih, coklat serta pada persilangan PE X kacang adalah hitam, putih, coklat dan abu-abu. Pola dan kombinasi warna bulu untuk kambing PE, kacang, persilangan PE X kacang berbeda (X hitung = 36,78 > X tabel = 26,217) dengan macam pola kombinasi adalah hitam polos, coklat polos, putih polos, kombinasi hitam putih, kombinasi coklat putih, kombinasi coklat hitam putih, kombinasi abu-abu putih hitam, kombinasi abu-abu putih dan kombinasi hitam abu-abu. Garis muka antara kambing PE, kambing kacang, persilangan PE X kacang memiliki perbedaan (X hitung = 74,06 > X tabel = 11,354) dengan macam garis muka adalah cembung dan datar. Bentuk telinga antara kambing PE, kacang, persilangan PE X kacang memiliki perbedaan (X hitung = 281,34 > X tabel = 13,277) terdiri atas telinga berdiri, setengah menjuntai dan menjuntai ke bawah. Bentuk tanduk antara kambing PE, kacang, persilangan PE X kacang tidak memiliki perbedaan (X hitung = 7,4622 < X tabel = 13,277) dengan macam bentuk tanduk adalah bertanduk, tidak bertanduk dan benjolan tanduk. Bentuk punggung antara kambing PE, kacang, persilangan PE X kacang tidak memiliki perbedaan (X hitung = 10,85 < X tabel = 13,277) dengan macam punggung lurus dan cembung.
Kata Kunci: Kambing Kacang, Kambing PE, Persilangan, Sifat kualitatif.
Ferawati Ka'aba. 2016. The Identification Of The Qualitative Properties Of Goat Peranakan Ettawah (PE), Goat Kacang and As Of Crossing Goat Kacang X Peranakan Ettawah. Under Suvervised By Fahrul Ilham And Syukri I. Gubali.
This research aims at identifying the qualitative properties of goat PE, goat kacang, as of crossing goat's PE X kacang. Data collection funded in December 2015-January 2016 in the town of Gorontalo with the number of samples of goat kacang 61 tail, goat PE 30 tail as of crossing goat PE X kacang 88 tail-sex tailed females. The results showed the colors on wool PE and kacang are black, white, brown and at the crossing of PE X the kacang are black, white, brown and grey. Pattern and color combinations for the goat kacang, goat PE, as of crossing PE X kacang different (X count = 36.78 > X table = 26.217) with a range of combination pattern is plain black, plain chocolate, plain white, combination of black and white, a combination of white chocolate, chocolate black and white combination, a combination of black white grey, a combination of white grey and black grey combination. The line of advance between goat kacang, goat PE, as of crossing PE X kacang has the distinction of (X count = 74.06 > X table = 11.354) with a range of line face is convex and flat. The shape of the ears between goat PE, kacang, as of crossing PE X kacang differences (X count = 281.34 > X table = 13.277) consists of the ears stand up, half fell down and dangle down. The shape of the horn between goat PE, kacang, as of crossing PE X kacang has the distinction of (X count = 7.4622 < X table = 13.277) and forms the horn is a horned, horned and not lump the horn. The shape of the back between the PE goat, kacang, as of crossing PE X kacang has no difference (X count = 10.85 < X table = 13.277) with the range of the back straight and convex.
Key words: Goat kacang, Goat PE, Crosses, Qualitative properties.
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