Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
SAFRIYANTO DAKO, S.Pt, M.Si / 0021037305
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Ir. NIBRAS K LAYA, MP / 0006126602
Rahmawaty Matiti. 621413071. Dugaan Nilai Heritabilitas Bobot Telur, Bobot Tetas dan Bobot Badan Umur 1 Minggu Hasil Persilangan Ayam Kampung Dan Broiler Berdasarkan Fullsib Corelation. Skripsi. Jurusan Peternakan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (Di bawah bimbingan Safriyanto Dako dan Nibras K. Laya).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai heritabilitas bobot telur, Bobot Tetas dan Bobot Badan umur 1 minggu hasil persilangan ayam kampung pejantan dengan broiler CP 707 Betina dengan cara mengkorelasikan ternak saudara kandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis statistik dan deksriptif dengan sifat data kuantitatif, standar deviasi, koefisien keragaman dan fullsib. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menimbang Bobot telur, bobot tetas, dan bobot badan ayam umur 1 minggu.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai heritabilitas bobot telur yang diperoleh adalah 0,50, bobot tetas 0,44 dan bobot badan umur 1 minggu memperoleh nilai yang sama dengan bobot tetas yaitu 0,44. Nilai heritabilitas dalam penelitian ini termasuk kategori sedang kaerna berada di bawah 0,5.
Kata kunci : Heritabilitas, Bobot Telur, Bobot Tetas, Bobot Badan
Rahmawaty matiti. 621413071. Heritability Estimation of Egg Weight, Hatching Weight, and Body Weight of One Week Old Derived from Crossbreeding between Native Chicken with Broiler Based on Full sib Correlation. Skripsi. Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, State University of Gorontalo. (The principal supervisor is Safriyanto Dako, and the co-supervisor is Nibras K. Laya)
The research aimet to investigate heritability of egg weight, hatching weight, and body weight of one week old derived from crossbreeding between male native chicken and female broiler cp 707 by correlation sibling livestock. It applied statistical and descriptive analysis method with quantitative data, deviation standard, variance coefficient and full sib. The research was conducted by weighing egg weight, hatching weight, and body weight of the one-week-old chicken.
The research finding found that heritability of egg weight was 0,50, hatching weight was 0,44 and body weight of one week old was also 0,44. The heritability of this research was categorizet into a medium category as it was under 0,5.
Keywords : heritability, egg weight, hatching weight, and body weight
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