Penulis / NIM
ADELIA DOMILI / 621417062
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. SAFRIYANTO DAKO, S.Pt, M.Si / 0021037305
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Ir. NIBRAS K LAYA, MP / 0006126602
ABSTRAK Adelia Domili. 2022. Studi Karakteristik Sifat Kualitatif Dan Kuantitatif Sapi Bali Jantan Di Kecamatan Atinggola, Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara. Dibimbing Oleh Safriyanto Dako dan Nibras K. Laya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tampilan kualitatif dan analisis korelasi ukuran tubuh sapi Bali jantan di Kecamatan Atinggola. Penelitian menggunakan 150 ekor ternak sapi Bali jantan umur 2-3 tahun, pengamatan penelitian terfokus pada sifat kualitatif dan ukuran dan bentuk tubuh ternak. Analisis deskriptif dan korelasi digunakan untuk menganalisis tampilan kualitatif dan korelasi ukuran tubuh sapi Bali jantan. Warna bulu tubuh sapi Bali jantan terdiri merah bata, coklat, coklat tua, coklat kehitaman dan hitam. Batas pola warna tubuh pada bagian kaki dan cermin pantat terlihat jelas, tidak mengalmi perubahan atau penyimpangan, dan populasi secara keseluruhan memiliki bentuk tanduk berada dalam persesuai dengan, tubuh sapi bali bulu. Rataan bobot badan sapi Bali sebesar 177.38������±20.21 kg kg dan berkorelasi kuat terhadap Lingkar dada, Panjang badan, lebar panggul dan tinggi badan. Sapi bali Jantan di Kecamatan Atinggola memiliki warna dan pola warna tubuh normal, bertanduk, bergelambir, bobot badan 177.38������±20.31 kg, Tinggi badan 110.40������±6.31, lingkar dada 138.70������±5.33, tingkat keragaman ukuran dan bentuk tubuh bervariasi 5.11-20.21% dan Nilai korelasi 0.22-0.85. Kata Kunci : Warna dan Pola warna, Ukuran tubuh, Korelasi, Sapi Bali jantan. ABSTRAC Adelia Domili. 2022. A Study of Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Male Bali Cattle in Atinggola Subdistrict, Gorontalo Utara Regency, This Undergraduate Thesis is supervised by Safriyanto Dako and Nibras K. Laya The purpose of this study was to determine the qualitative appearance and correlation analysis of male Bali cattle body size. The study used 100 male Bali cattle aged 2-3 years, the research observations focused on the qualitative character, size and body shape of male Bali cattle. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the appearance of coat color, color patterns, horns and dorsal lines, while correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between size and body shape of male Bali cattle. The coat color of the male Bali cattle was found to be brick red, brown, dark brown, blackish brown and black. The boundaries of the white pattern on the legs and butt mirrors are clearly visible or there are no deviations, and the population as a whole has horns.The average body weight of bali cattle is 177.38������±20.21 kg and has a strong correlation with chest circumference, body length, hip width and height. Male Bali cattle in Atinggola District have normal body color and color patterns, horns, sagging, body weight 177.38������±20.31kg, body height 110.40������±6.31, chest circumference 138.70������±5.33, the level of diversity in body size and shape varies from 5.11-20.21% and the value varies from 5.11 to 20.21% and Correlation vaule 0.22-0.85 Keywords: Color and color pattern, body size, correlation, male Bali cattle
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