Penulis / NIM
IDARMANTO A. AHMAD / 651414125
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
SURYANI UNE, S.TP, M.Sc / 0023098302
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ZAINUDIN ANTULI, M.Si / 0013086506
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar pati resisten terbaik pati bonggol pisang kepok modifikasi HMT, dan untuk mengetahui mutu (fisik dan kimia) terhadap mie kering dari pati bonggol pisang kapok modifikasi HMT, proses modifikasi pati secara treatment heat moisture (HMT) pada bonggol pisang kepok dengan perlakuan kadar air HMT yang berbeda 24%, 28% dan 32%. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu pembuatan pati bonggol pisang kepok , pembuatan modifikasi pati bonggol pisang kepok dengan perlakuan kadar air 24%, 28% dan 32% serta pembuatan mie kering yang disibtitusi 50% pati bonggol pisang kepok modifikasi (PBPM) dan 50% tepung terigu. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian modifikasi pati bonggol pisang kepok ini, yaitu rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari tiga perlakuan dan tiga kali ulangan dan pada pembuatan mie kering dua perlakuan tiga kali ulangan. Hasil yang diperolah dari penelitian ini adalah modifikasi pati bonggol pisang kepok dengan nilai pati resisten pada perlakuan kadar air 24%, 28% dan 32% yaitu dengan nilai berturut-turut 1.40%, 1.21% dan 1.15%, karakteristik mutu mie kering dengan nilai kadar air yaiu 9,72% dan 12.52, kadar abu yaitu 1.27% dan 1.10%, kadar protein yaitu 9.68% dan 5.50%, elongasi yaitu 0.12% dan 0.19% daya serap air yaitu 1.46% dan 1.98% sedangkan untuk nilai pati resisten pada kedua perlakuan produk mie kering yaitu 2.64 dan 5.27. ABSTRACT Ahmad, Idarmanto A.651414125.2018.Physical and Chemical Properties of Dry Noodles from Starch of Saba Banana with Modification of Heat-Moisture Treatments (HMT). Undergraduate Thesis, Departmentof Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, UniversitasNegeriGorontalo. Principal Supervisor: SuryaniUnedan, Co-supervisor: ZainudinAntuli. The aim of this study isto determine the best resistant starch levels from modified HMT from Saba banana starch and to determine the quality (physical and chemical) of modified dry noodles from HMT from the inflorescence of banana. The process of modifying heat-treated starch (HMT) in Saba banana inflorescence, HMT water content treatment was different from 24%, 28%,and 32%. This research was conducted in three stages: the process of making Saba banana starch, the process of modification into starch by treating the water content around 24%, 28% and 32% and the process of dried noodles replaced with 50% modified banana saba flour (PBPM) and flour 50 %. Furthermore, the design used in the modification study of Saba banana starch was a completely randomized design consisting of three treatments and three replications and in making dried noodles two treatments were repeated three times.The results obtained from this study were the modification of Saba banana starch with resistant starch values in the processing of water content of 24%, 28%,and 32% respectively at 1.40%, 1.21% and 1.15%, dry quality characteristics of noodles with the amount of water amount 9.72% and 12.52, ash content 1.27% and 1.10%, protein content 9.68% and 5.50%, extension of 0.12% and water absorption 0.19% 1.46% and 1.98% meanwhile the value of resistant starch in both dry noodle product treatments was 2.64 and 5.27. Keywords: Starch Banana Saba, HMT, Resistant Starch.
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