Penulis / NIM
LUKMAN A. NIHE / 701516011
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. Hj. RASUNA TALIB, M.Hum / 0012126807
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Prof. KARMILA MACHMUD, M.A., Ph.D. / 0010097506
ABSTRACT Lukman A. Nihe, 2020. ..."The Use of Smartphone Integrated Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) To Enhance Students Competence In Speaking Skill At SMP Negeri 2 Batuda Pantai. Thesis. Post graduate program in language education department, Gorontalo state University. Advisor I, Dr. Rasuna Thalib, M.Hum., Advisor II, Prof. Karmila Machmud, M.A., Ph.D. This research aims to enhance students speaking ability towards the use of smart - phone integrated in language teaching of the class VIII A at SMPN 2 Batudaa Pantai of academic year 2019/2020. This research involves 25 students. This particular research was categorized as an action research. The actions were implemented in two cycles based on the class schedule. The data was analyzed in two ways, qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data is obtained by observing teaching and learning process and interviewing the English teacher. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were acquired through pre-testand post test. The research result showed that the students speaking skill is improved using smart - phone integrated in task based language teaching. The improvements were achieved gradually which covered some aspects, such as pronunciation, grammar, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehend. Using smart - phone in TBLT could help the students to improve their English skill and their language system such as grammar and vocabulary. The data shown that in the pre - research, the students speaking skill who were categorized low. It could be seen that the students were difficult to understand because there is problem in pronunciation, asked to repeat; there were many mistakes in grammar which made hinder in meaning and should re - arrange sentence by students; students vocabulary is so limited. So conversation is impossible to occur; and students speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtually impossible. Meanwhile, after applying action research, the students speaking skill improved. The result showed that the students were easy to understand with certain aspect; the students just sometimes made mistake in grammar and it influences the meaning; the students just sometimes using vocabulary which is not appropriate; and the students fluency is just sometimes disturbed by language problem. Based on the these results, it is indicated that they made a considerable improvement in some aspects of speaking skill such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency after applying action research in the class of VIII A at SMPN 2 Batudaa Pantai. Key words : action research, speaking skill, smart - phone, TBLT
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