Penulis / NIM
AGUSTIN IS SAIDI / 701521010
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. MOON HIDAYATI OTOLUWA, M.Hum / 0002095910
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. ADRIANSYAH ABU KATILI, S.S., M.Pd. / 0029096605
Agustin Is. Saidi. 701521010. 2021. Akun Pembelajaran: The Use and Obstacles of English Teacher in Teaching Process. The first advisor Prof. Dr. Hj. Moon Hidayati. Otoluwa.,M.Hum and the second advisor Dr. Adriansyah Abu Katili, S.S,. M.Pd
The launch of Akun Pembelajaran was expected to help teaching and learning activities, but in reality there were still many junior high schools that were constrained in the use of Akun Pembelajaran. Junior high schools in Botumoito sub-district was one of the schools in Boalemo sub-district where most of the teachers and students had not fully utilized the Akun Pembelajaran. Moreover, the purpose of this thesis was to find out how to use Akun Pembelajaran for English teachers in Botumoito sub-district and what are the English teachers' obstacles in using Akun Pembelajaran. By using a qualitative descriptive method, the researcher found that of the six teachers who were taken as research participants, only one English teacher had used Akun Pembelajaran in one-way teaching, while the other five teachers admitted that they had not used Akun Pembelajaran in teaching and learning activities even though have activated their account at Akun Pembelajaran. Furthermore, the research found that the obstacles faced by the teachers of Botumoito Sub-District were the lack of information obtained by teachers in schools, the age factor, the understanding of technology and information, the lack of internet access, the lack of facilitator/ webinars/seminars/socialization, and the lack of understanding the features of Akun Pembelajaran.
Keywords: Akun pembelajaran, obstacles. Teaching with technology
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