Penulis / NIM
SULASTRY KATILI / 7501141015
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. MOON HIDAYATI OTOLUWA, M.Hum / 0002095910
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. Hj. RASUNA TALIB, M.Hum / 0012126807
ABSTRACT Sulastry Katili ..."Developing suplementary listening materials For seventh graders based on audio visual scribed animation. (A Research and Development Conducted at SMP 4 Gorontalo City). Advisor (1) Prof. Dr. Hj. Moon Hidayati Otoluwa, M.Hum. Advisor (2) Dr. H. Rasuna Thalib, M.Hum This study is aimed to develop supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation in SMP N. 4 Gorontalo. The objective of this study are, a) to know the students needs in learning English especially for listening skill based 2013 Curiculum, and b) to describe the development of supplementary English materials for listening skill based Audio Visual Video Scribed Animation for the seventh grade students of SMP 4 Gorontalo city. The type of this study is Research and Development (R&D) by Thiagarajan (1974). The subjects of the research were 30 students of seventh grade of SMPN. 4 Gorontalo. The instruments of the study were observation, interview, questionnaire and document analysis. The results of the needs analysis... questionnaire were analyzed by using percentage. To validate the appropriateness of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation, there are three kinds of validation. First, the expert judgements validation. Second, the 8 students of seventh grade which validate the used and the readable of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation. Third, the post field testing validation by the 30 students of seventh grade students. The result of need analysis showed that the students have lack experience in learning listening. Developing supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation consist of five units which each unit has three exercises. The result of the expert judgement validation towards supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation were categorized as excellent. Moreover, the result of the students validation of the used and the readable of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation were categorized as excellent. Furthermore, the result of the field testing validation by the students were categorized as excellent. Thus, it can be concluded that supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation is eligible to be applied in the classroom listening for seventh grade students of SMPN. 4 Gorontalo. Key words: supplementary English listening materials, video scribe ABSTRACT Sulastry Katili ..."Developing suplementary listening materials For seventh graders based on audio visual scribed animation. (A Research and Development Conducted at SMP 4 Gorontalo City). Advisor (1) Prof. Dr. Hj. Moon Hidayati Otoluwa, M.Hum. Advisor (2) Dr. H. Rasuna Thalib, M.Hum This study is aimed to develop supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation in SMP N. 4 Gorontalo. The objective of this study are, a) to know the students needs in learning English especially for listening skill based 2013 Curiculum, and b) to describe the development of supplementary English materials for listening skill based Audio Visual Video Scribed Animation for the seventh grade students of SMP 4 Gorontalo city. The type of this study is Research and Development (R&D) by Thiagarajan (1974). The subjects of the research were 30 students of seventh grade of SMPN. 4 Gorontalo. The instruments of the study were observation, interview, questionnaire and document analysis. The results of the needs analysis... questionnaire were analyzed by using percentage. To validate the appropriateness of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation, there are three kinds of validation. First, the expert judgements validation. Second, the 8 students of seventh grade which validate the used and the readable of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation. Third, the post field testing validation by the 30 students of seventh grade students. The result of need analysis showed that the students have lack experience in learning listening. Developing supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation consist of five units which each unit has three exercises. The result of the expert judgement validation towards supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation were categorized as excellent. Moreover, the result of the students validation of the used and the readable of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation were categorized as excellent. Furthermore, the result of the field testing validation by the students were categorized as excellent. Thus, it can be concluded that supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation is eligible to be applied in the classroom listening for seventh grade students of SMPN. 4 Gorontalo. Key words: supplementary English listening materials, video scribe ABSTRACT Sulastry Katili ..."Developing suplementary listening materials For seventh graders based on audio visual scribed animation. (A Research and Development Conducted at SMP 4 Gorontalo City). Advisor (1) Prof. Dr. Hj. Moon Hidayati Otoluwa, M.Hum. Advisor (2) Dr. H. Rasuna Thalib, M.Hum This study is aimed to develop supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation in SMP N. 4 Gorontalo. The objective of this study are, a) to know the students needs in learning English especially for listening skill based 2013 Curiculum, and b) to describe the development of supplementary English materials for listening skill based Audio Visual Video Scribed Animation for the seventh grade students of SMP 4 Gorontalo city. The type of this study is Research and Development (R&D) by Thiagarajan (1974). The subjects of the research were 30 students of seventh grade of SMPN. 4 Gorontalo. The instruments of the study were observation, interview, questionnaire and document analysis. The results of the needs analysis... questionnaire were analyzed by using percentage. To validate the appropriateness of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation, there are three kinds of validation. First, the expert judgements validation. Second, the 8 students of seventh grade which validate the used and the readable of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation. Third, the post field testing validation by the 30 students of seventh grade students. The result of need analysis showed that the students have lack experience in learning listening. Developing supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation consist of five units which each unit has three exercises. The result of the expert judgement validation towards supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation were categorized as excellent. Moreover, the result of the students validation of the used and the readable of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation were categorized as excellent. Furthermore, the result of the field testing validation by the students were categorized as excellent. Thus, it can be concluded that supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation is eligible to be applied in the classroom listening for seventh grade students of SMPN. 4 Gorontalo. Key words: supplementary English listening materials, video scribe ABSTRACT Sulastry Katili ..."Developing suplementary listening materials For seventh graders based on audio visual scribed animation. (A Research and Development Conducted at SMP 4 Gorontalo City). Advisor (1) Prof. Dr. Hj. Moon Hidayati Otoluwa, M.Hum. Advisor (2) Dr. H. Rasuna Thalib, M.Hum This study is aimed to develop supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation in SMP N. 4 Gorontalo. The objective of this study are, a) to know the students needs in learning English especially for listening skill based 2013 Curiculum, and b) to describe the development of supplementary English materials for listening skill based Audio Visual Video Scribed Animation for the seventh grade students of SMP 4 Gorontalo city. The type of this study is Research and Development (R&D) by Thiagarajan (1974). The subjects of the research were 30 students of seventh grade of SMPN. 4 Gorontalo. The instruments of the study were observation, interview, questionnaire and document analysis. The results of the needs analysis... questionnaire were analyzed by using percentage. To validate the appropriateness of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation, there are three kinds of validation. First, the expert judgements validation. Second, the 8 students of seventh grade which validate the used and the readable of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation. Third, the post field testing validation by the 30 students of seventh grade students. The result of need analysis showed that the students have lack experience in learning listening. Developing supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation consist of five units which each unit has three exercises. The result of the expert judgement validation towards supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation were categorized as excellent. Moreover, the result of the students validation of the used and the readable of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation were categorized as excellent. Furthermore, the result of the field testing validation by the students were categorized as excellent. Thus, it can be concluded that supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation is eligible to be applied in the classroom listening for seventh grade students of SMPN. 4 Gorontalo. Key words: supplementary English listening materials, video scribe ABSTRACT Sulastry Katili ..."Developing suplementary listening materials For seventh graders based on audio visual scribed animation. (A Research and Development Conducted at SMP 4 Gorontalo City). Advisor (1) Prof. Dr. Hj. Moon Hidayati Otoluwa, M.Hum. Advisor (2) Dr. H. Rasuna Thalib, M.Hum This study is aimed to develop supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation in SMP N. 4 Gorontalo. The objective of this study are, a) to know the students needs in learning English especially for listening skill based 2013 Curiculum, and b) to describe the development of supplementary English materials for listening skill based Audio Visual Video Scribed Animation for the seventh grade students of SMP 4 Gorontalo city. The type of this study is Research and Development (R&D) by Thiagarajan (1974). The subjects of the research were 30 students of seventh grade of SMPN. 4 Gorontalo. The instruments of the study were observation, interview, questionnaire and document analysis. The results of the needs analysis... questionnaire were analyzed by using percentage. To validate the appropriateness of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation, there are three kinds of validation. First, the expert judgements validation. Second, the 8 students of seventh grade which validate the used and the readable of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation. Third, the post field testing validation by the 30 students of seventh grade students. The result of need analysis showed that the students have lack experience in learning listening. Developing supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation consist of five units which each unit has three exercises. The result of the expert judgement validation towards supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation were categorized as excellent. Moreover, the result of the students validation of the used and the readable of supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation were categorized as excellent. Furthermore, the result of the field testing validation by the students were categorized as excellent. Thus, it can be concluded that supplementary listening materials for seventh graders based on Audio visual scribed animation is eligible to be applied in the classroom listening for seventh grade students of SMPN. 4 Gorontalo. Key words: supplementary English listening materials, video scribe
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