Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. RAMA HIOLA, Dra.,M.Kes / 0024035403
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
LIA AMALIA, S.KM, M.Kes / 0029117909
ABSTRAK Sri Wahyuni R. Tilome. 811409014. 2013. Uji Kualitas Fisik Air pada Sarana Air Bersih Program Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat (PAMSIMAS) di Desa Ilohungayo Kecamatan Batudaa Kabupaten Gorontalo. Skripsi. Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Kesehatan dan Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Dr.Hj Rama P. Hiola, Dra, M.Kes dan Pembimbing II Lia Amalia,S.KM,M.Kes. Masyarakat di Desa Ilohungayo mengeluhkan mengenai kondisi air yang berasal dari Sumur Bor Pamsimas di Desa mereka, karena dilihat dari warna dan kekeruhan air tersebut meragukan untuk dikonsumsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas fisik air Program Pamsimas berdasarkan bau, warna, rasa, suhu, TDS, dan kekeruhan di Desa Ilohungayo Kecamatan Batudaa Kabupaten Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional deskriptif untuk memperoleh gambaran kualitas fisik air sarana air bersih Program Pamsimas di Desa Ilohungayo Kecamatan Batudaa Kabupaten Gorontalo. Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Total Sampling yaitu 1 unit sumur bor dan 14 unit sumur gali. Kualitas fisik air di sesuaikan dengan Permenkes RI No. 416/Menkes/Per/IX/1990 tentang Syarat-syarat dan Pengawasan Kualitas Air. Berdasarkan hasil Penelitian diketahui bahwa untuk parameter fisik bau dan warna masing-masing terdapat 93,3% (14 unit sumur gali) yang memenuhi syarat dan 6,7% (1 unit sumur bor) yang tidak memenuhi syarat. Untuk parameter fisik rasa terdapat 60% (9 unit sumur gali) yang memenuhi syarat dan 40% (1 unit sumur bor dan 5 unit sumur gali) yang tidak memenuhi syarat. Sedangkan untuk parameter fisik suhu, TDS, dan kekeruhan untuk semua sarana air bersih termasuk dalam kriteria memenuhi syarat. Kualitas air yang berasal dari sumur bor tidak memenuhi syarat berdasarkan parameter fisik bau, warna, dan rasa, untuk 5 unit sumur gali Pamsimas tidak memenuhi syarat berdasarkan parameter rasa, sedangkan 9 unit sumur gali Pamsimas termasuk memenuhi syarat berdasarkan kualitas fisik air. Untuk itu perlu adanya perhatian dari masyarakat, pemerintah, dan instansi terkait untuk dapat menetralisir pencemaran yang timbul akibat tidak sesuainya kadar maksimum yang diperbolehkan untuk kualitas fisik air Pamsimas, terutama untuk sumur bor Pamsimas. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Air, Pamsimas. ABSTRACT Sri Wahyuni R. Tilome. 811409014. 2013. Physical Quality Test of Water in Fresh Water Facility of the Drinking Water System and Community-Based Sanitation Program (PAMSIMAS) at Ilohungayo village, Batudaa Subdistrict, District of Gorontalo. Skripsi. Study Program of Public Health, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Gorontalo State Of University. The principal supervisor was Dr. Hj. Rama P. Hiola, M.Kes and the the co-supervisor was Lia Amalia, S.KM, M. Kes. The community of Ilohungayo village complained about fresh water condition coming from artesian well (deep well) of PAMSIMAS on their village because of having unusual color and turbidity degree to be consumed. This research is aimed to identify physical quality of the water of PAMSIMAS program in terms of the scent, color, taste, temperature, TDS, and turbidity at Ilohungayo village, Batudaa Subdistrict, District of Gorontalo. This research applied descriptive observational method in order to obtain the description of physical quality of the water in fresh water facility of PAMSIMAS. Sampling technique applied in this research was Total Sampling involving 1 unit of deep well and 14 units of traditional well. Physical quality indicators were adjusted to Permenkes RI (Rules of Health Minister) No.416/Menkes/Per/IX/1990 about Water Requisites and Quality Control. The result of the research indicated that in terms of scent and color there were 93.3% (14 units of traditionasl well) qualified to consume and 6.7% (1 unit of deep well) was unqualified to consume. In terms of taste, there were 9 units of qualified traditional wells (60%) and 40% ( 1 unit deep well and 5 units traditional well) was unqualified to consume. Meanwhile, in terms of temperature, TDS, and turbidity, all water facilities were qualified to consume. Water quality of deep was unqualified in terms of scent, color and taste. 5 units of traditional well of Pamsimas were unqualified in term of taste, while the other 9 units of traditional well were qualified to consume. Therefore, it is important for the community, local government, and the stake holder to neutralize the water contamination caused by inexpediency toward the maximum degree allowed for physical quality of the water of Pamsimas, especially for deep well of Pamsimas. Keywords: Water Quality, Pamsimas.
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