Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr HERLINA JUSUF, Dra., M.Kes / 0001106308
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ABSTRAK Dewi Marlinda Masulili. 2016. Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan dan Tindakan dengan Kondisi Lingkungan Fisik Rumah Pada Masyarakat Nelayan Desa Jayabakti Kecamatan Pagimana Kabupaten Banggai. Skripsi. Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat. Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Dr. Hj. Herlina Jusuf, Dra., M.Kes dan Pembimbing II Dr Sylva Flora N. Tarigan, S.H, M.Kes. Tingkat pendidikan masyarakat yang di hitung dari rata-rata lama sekolah menjadi prasyaratan untuk derajat kesehatan masyarakat, Tindakan sosial adalah tindakan seseorang individu yang dapat mempengaruhi individu lain dalam masyarakat. Rumusan masalah ada hubungan tingkat pendidikan dan tindakan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik rumah pada masyarakat Desa Jayabakti. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pendidikan dan tindakan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik rumah pada masyarakat nelayan. Di analisis dengan uji Chi-square. Populasi penelitian adalah nelayan Dusun III Desa Jayabakti Kecamatan Pagimana Kabupaten Banggai Sebanyak 200 nelayan dengan sampel yaitu 133 nelayan. Hasil penelitian dari 121 responden memiliki tingkat pendidikan rendah. 71 orang (59%) memiliki lingkungan fisik rumah kurang baik, lingkungan fisik yang baik 50 orang (41%). Berpendidikan tinggi terdapat 3 orang (25%) tinggal pada lingkungan rumah kurang baik , kondisi lingkungan rumah yang baik berjumlah 9 orang (75%).Dengan nilai p tabel 0.025 < = 0.05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat hubungan tingkat pendidikan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik rumah pada masyarakat nelayan. Dari 109 orang tindakannya kurang baik, dan kondisi lingkungan fisik rumah yang kurang baik 72 orang (66%), tinggal di lingkungan fisik rumah yang baik berjumlah 37 orang (34%). Dengan nilai p tabel 0.000 < = 0.05 sehingga terdapat hubungan tindakan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik rumah pada masyarakat nelayan. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah tingkat pendidikan dan tindakan berhubungan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik rumah pada masyarakat nelayan Desa Jayabakti Kecamatan Pagimana Kabupaten Banggai. Disarankan peneliti selanjutnyat dapat memanfaatkan penelitan sebagai bahan perbandingan dan dapat mengangkat variabel lain yang berhubungan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik rumah. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, Tindakan, Lingkungan Fisik Rumah ABSTRACK Dewi Marlinda Masulili. 2016. The Correlation of Educational Level and Activities with Physical Environmet of the House Fishermen Community of Jayabakti Village of Pagimana Sub-district , District of Banggai. Skripsi: Department og Publich Health, Faculty of Sport and Health. State University of Gorontalo. Principal Supervisor was Dr. Hj. Herlina Jusuf, Dra., M.Kes and Co-supervisor was Dr. Sylva Flora N. Tarigan, SH., M.Kes. Level of educatioan is calculated from the average of length of time spent in school becomes a requirement for the level of community's health. Social activity is individual activity that can influence other individuals within the community. The problem ini this research is the correlation between level of education and social activity with the physical condition of the house of the community in Jayabakti Village. The objective of this research is to find out the correlation between level of aducation and activity with the physical environmental condition of the house ini fishermen community. The chi-square analysis was used in this research. The population of this research was fishermen in hamlet III of Jayabakti Village of Pagimana Sub-district District of Banggai that consisted of 200 fishermen and the sample was 133 fishermen. This research shows that 121 respondents had low level of education. 71 people (59%) had house with less proper physical environment, 50 people had house with proper physical environment (41%). Three of these respondents had higt level of education (25%) who lived in house with less proper physical environment and 9 people with hid level of education (75%) lived in houses with proper physical environment. The value of p in table was 0,025< = 0,05 hence it was concluded that there was a correlation between level of education and physical environmental condition of the house in fishermen community. Of 109 people with less than proper social activity, 72 people lives in house with less proper physical condition (66%), meanwhile 37 people lived in house with proper physical condition (34%). The value of p in table was 0,000 < = 0.05 hence, it can be said that there was a correlation between activities and physical ondition of the fishermen community's house. The conclusion of this research was that level of education and level of activities correlate with physical condition of the house in fishermen community in Jayabakti Village pf Pagimana Sub-district, District of Banggai. It is recommended for further researcher to utilize this research as comparative material and to investigate other variables that related with physical condition of the house. Keywords: Education, Activity, Physical Condition of The House
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