Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. LINTJE BOEKOESOE, M.Kes / 0010015915
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. SUNARTO KADIR, M.Kes / 0018096605
Fransisska Makuta, 811412053 , 2019. Factors Affecting pregnant women choosing Hulango (Traditional Midwife) as Birth Attendant. skripsi,Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sports and Health, State University of Gorontalo. The Principal supervisor is Dr. Hj. Lintje Boekoesoen M.Kes, and the
Co-supervisoi is Dr. Sunarto Kadiro Drs, M.Kes.
Childbirth is an unforgettable moment for women in their life. Labor attendant comprised of a professional midwife and a traditional midwife. The research problem was what factors affecting pregnant women choosing hulango (taditional midwife) as the birth attendant is. The research aimed at finding out factors of pregnant women's health service, family support, and pregnant women's reliance on choosing hulango (traditional midwife) as the birth attendant.
This was descriptive research. The sampling technique applied purposive sampling, in which the numbers of samples collected based on certain considerations. The population of this research was 102 people, and the samples were 81 people who were determined by using formula. In addition, data analysis used univariate analysis, which had a function to summarize data of measurement result in such a way so that the collected data changed to be useful information.
The finding revealed there were 72 mothers (88,94%) who received good health service, 77 mothers (95,1%) who had family support in choosing hulango, 64 mothers (79,0%) who had a reliance on choosing hulango. Even though the health service of pregnant women at Public Health Center had been appropriately run in accordance with the applicable regulation, however, pregnant womer still checking their pregnancy ta hulango (taditional midwife) and choosing hulango (traditional midwife) as their birth attendant.
In conclusion, family support had an influence on choosing a birth attendant compared to the pregnant women's relidnce itself. Additionally, the health service has been run optimally in accordance with the appricable regulation. It was expected to the community to be more reliant in checking and caring for pregnancy and birth
attendants only in health service.
Keywords: Health service, family support, reliance
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