Penulis / NIM
HERMAWANSYAH / 811412080
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. SUNARTO KADIR, M.Kes / 0018096605
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
EKAWATY PRASETYA, S.SI, M.KES, S.Si, M.Kes / 0027028105
ABSTRAK Hermawansyah, 2017. Analisis Tingkat Kenyamanan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Taman Kota Tengah, Taman Rekreasi Damai dan Taman Smart Nursery di Kota Gorontalo. Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Dr. Sunarto Kadir, Drs., M.Kes dan Pembimbing II Ekawaty Prasetya, S.Si., M.Kes. Ruang aktivitas publik yang baik harus nyaman karena nyamannya suatu RTH akan meningkatkan produktifitas orang didalamnya. Aspek kenyamanan pada taman kota adalah suhu udara, kelembaban udara dan kebisingan. Rumusan masalah yaitu apakah Tingkat Kenyamanan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Taman Kota Tengah, Taman Rekreasi Damai dan Taman Smart Nursery sudah memenuhi standar. Tujuan yaitu untuk menganalisis tingkat kebisingan, iklim mikro dan Temperatur Humidity Index (THI). Motode penelitian Observasional Analitik yaitu peneliti melakukan pengamatan langsung. Populasi 19 RTH, sampel 3 RTH menggunakan Purposive Sampling, populasi responden 78 orang menggunakan Accidental Sampling. Penelitian dilakukan selama 6 hari setiap sabtu dan minggu, dimulai tanggal 12-27 November 2016. Hasil penelitian intensitas kebisingan rata-rata terendah pada Taman Kota Tengah hari minggu 58.2 dB(A), tertinggi Taman Kota Tengah hari sabtu 61.7 dB(A) dan tidak melebihi NAB 50 dB(A) Taman Kota Tengah, jam 07.00, titik I hari minggu yaitu 49.7 dB(A). Suhu udara rata-rata terendah Taman Smart Nursery hari sabtu 28.8C dan tertinggi Taman Rekreasi Damai hari sabtu 32.8C. Kelembaban udara rata-rata terendah Taman Rekreasi Damai hari sabtu 65.6% dan tertinggi Taman Smart Nursery hari minggu 72.5%. THI rata-rata Taman Kota Tengah terendah hari minggu 27.9 kondisi tidak nyaman dan tertinggi hari sabtu 28.1 kondisi tidak nyaman, Taman Rekreasi Damai terendah hari minggu 29.5 kondisi tidak nyaman dan tertinggi hari sabtu 30.5 kondisi tidak nyaman, Taman Smart Nursery terendah 27.1 hari sabtu kondisi tidak nyaman dan tertinggi 27.3 hari minggu kondisi tidak nyaman. Diharapkan pemerintah Kota Gorontalo untuk lebih mengoptimalkan fungsi RTH. Kata Kunci : Kebisingan, Iklim Mikro, THI, RTH ABSTRACT Hermawansyah, 2017. Analysis of Comfort Zone Level at Green Open Space (RTH) of Kota Tengah Park, Rekreasi Damai Park and Smart Nursery Park in Gorontalo City. Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sports and Health, State University of Gorontalo. Principal supervisor is Dr. Sunarto Kadir, Drs., M.Kes and Co-supervisor is Ekawaty Prasetya, S.Si., M.Kes. A good space public activity requires to be comfortable due to it will improve people's productivity inside it. Aspects of city park comfort are air temperature, humidity and noise. Problem statement of this research is whether or not comfort zone level of Green Open Space (RTH) of Kota Tengah Park, Rekreasi Damai Park and Smart Nursery Park meets the standard. This research aims at analyzing level of noise, microclimate and Temperature Humidity Indeks (THI). This is an observational analytical research which means that the researcher conducts direct observation. Population of the research are 19 Green Open Spaces (GOS) while its samples are 3 GOS determined by Purposive Sampling. The population of respondents are 78 people determined by Accidental Sampling. The research was conducted in 6 days particularly every Saturday and Sunday, started from 12 of 27 of November, 2016. Research finding reveals that the lowest average of noise intensity in Park of Kota Tengah in on Sunday For 58.2 dB(A), the highest is on Saturday for 61.7 dB(A) and not exceeding NAB of 50 dB(A) which is at 07.00, point I on Sunday is 49.7 dB(A). Then, the lowest average of air temperature is in Park of Smart Nursery is on Saturday for 28.8 C and the highest is in Park of Rekreasi Damai which is on Saturday 32.8 C. Afterwards, the lowest average of humidity is in Park of Rekreasi Damai which is on Saturday for 65.6 % and the highest is in Park of Smart Nursery which is on Sunday for 72.5%. Next, the lowest average of THI in Park of Kota Tengah is on Sunday for 27.9 and it is categorized as uncomfortable and the highest is on Saturday for 28.1 and it is categorized as uncomfortable, the lowest average of THI in Park of Rekreasi Damai is on Sunday for 29.5 and it is categorized as uncomfortable and the highest is on Saturday for 30.5 with uncomfortable category, and for Park of Smart Nursery, the lowest average of THI is on Saturday for 27.1 and it is categorized as uncomfortable and the highest is on Sunday for 27.3 which is also categorized as uncomfortable. Therefore, it is expected that Government of Gorontalo City to be more optimize the function of Green Open Space. Keywords: Noise, Microclimate, THI, GOS (RTH)
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