Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. RAMA HIOLA, Dra.,M.Kes / 0024035403
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. LAKSMYN KADIR, S.Pd., M.Kes / 0014037503
ABSTRAK Zahra Rizky Intanasri. 2018. Keamanan Pangan dan Pola Konsumsi Masyarakat pada Pencemaran Air di Sungai Bone. Skripsi, Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Dr. Rama Hiola, M.Kes. Pembimbing II Dr. Laksmyn Kadir, S.Pd., M.Kes. Sungai Bone berdasarkan data Balihristi tahun 2016 telah tercemar, jumlah pencemaran domestik dan pencemaran industri pertambangan emas yang masuk ke badan air dapat mempengaruhi ekosistem perairan, sumber pangan dan pola konsumsi masyarakat. Rumusan masalah bagaimana keamanan pangan dan pola konsumsi masyarakat pada daerah pencemaran air di Sungai Bone. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keamanan pangan dalam pengujian ikan dan pola konsumsi masyarakat sungai bone pada daerah pencemaran air di Sungai Bone. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan survei analitik bertujuan untuk menganalisis, menggali bagaimana dan mengapa fenomena itu terjadi. Populasi penelitian adalah masyarakat yang tinggal disekitar Sungai Bone dengan sampel 128 orang untuk pola konsumsi dan 4 sampel analisis pangan biota akuatik Sungai Bone. Hasil penelitian sampel 1 udang 0,4836 ppm, sampel 2 ikan betutu 0,4533 ppm, sampel 3 ikan sidat 0,3621 ppm, dan sampel 4 ikan kaca 0,3243 ppm, semua sampel telah tercemar merkuri (Hg). Keamanan pangan mendekati kritis di akibatkan timbulnya beberapa gejala efek pencemaran merkuri pada masyarakat sekitar Sungai Bone. Pola konsumsi masyarakat dari frekuensi konsumsi 78,8% responden dan masyarakat mengonsumsi sumber pangan lokal/Sungai Bone yaitu 82,8% responden yang sudah tercemar dan menimbulkan efek kesehatan mendekati kritis. Menu konsumsi masyarakat 70% kategori baik sesuai PUGS dan waktu konsumsi 88% kategori baik sesuai PUGS. Diharapkan masyarakat sekitar Sungai Bone menjaga kebersihan sepanjang sungai dan pentingnya untuk menjaga keamanan pangan dan pola konsumsinya. Kata Kunci: Pencemaran Air, Sungai Bone, Merkuri (Hg), Keamanan Pangan, Pola Konsumsi. ABSTRACT Intanasri, Zahra Rizky. 2018. Food Safety and Community Consumption Pattern on Water Pollution in Bone River. Undergraduate Thesis, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sports and Health, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Principal Supervisor: Dr. Rama P. Hiola, M.Kes. Co-Supervisor: Dr. Laksmyn Kadir, S.Pd., M.Kes. The data of Environment Research and Technology Institute (well-known as Balihristi) in 2016 report that Bone River has been polluted in which the amount of domestic and gold mining industrial pollutions entering the body of water can affect the aquatic ecosystems, food sources, and community consumption patterns. The problem statement of this research is how the food safety and community consumption pattern on water pollution in Bone River. This research is intended to determine the food safety in fish testing and community consumption patterns in the pollution area of Bone River. This quantitative research with analytical survey aimed at analyzing how and why a phenomenon may occur. This research involved the people living around Bone River with only 128 people for consumption patterns. Furthermore, four samples of food analysis of aquatic biota in the site area were selected as the research samples. The results reveal that sample 1 shrimp (0.4836 ppm), sample 2 betutu fish (0.4533 ppm), sample 3 eel (0.3621 ppm), and sample 4 glassy fish (0.3243 ppm) have been contaminated with mercury (Hg). Food safety is approaching the crisis due to the emergence of some symptoms of mercury contamination effects on people around Bone River. Community consumption pattern of consumption frequency is 78.8% of the respondents and people consuming local (Bone River) food source are 82.8% of the polluted respondents and causing the crisis health effects. In addition, community consumption menu and consumption time arrive at the percentage of 70% and 88% respectively with good category as in General Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition (henceforth called as PUGS). It expected for the people living in Bone River to keep the place clean and maintain food safety and its consumption patterns. Keywords: Water Pollution, Bone River, Mercury (Hg), Food Safety, Consumption Pattern.
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