Penulis / NIM
RIZNAN DATU / 811414033
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. SUNARTO KADIR, M.Kes / 0018096605
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ABSTRAK Riznan Datu, 811414033, 2018. Hubungan Kebiasaan Konsumsi Energi Protein dan Tingkat Sosial Ekonomi Keluarga dengan Kejadian Stunting pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Negeri 24 Kota Gorontalo. Skripsi Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Dr. Sunarto Kadir, Drs., M.Kes dan Pembimbing II Dr. Sylva Flora Ninta Tarigan, S.H, M.Kes. Hasil Riskesdas prevalensi stunting nasional tahun 2013 sebesar 37,2%. Berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Gorontalo kejadian stunting di Kota Gorontalo pada tahun 2013 sebesar 10,2%. Data dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Gorontalo tahun 2017 prevalensi kejadian stunting di Kota Gorontalo sebesar 18,7%, dapat dilihat dari data kejadian stunting tahun 2013 sampai 2017 prevalensi kejadian stunting meningkat sebesar 8,5%. Rumusan masalah apakah ada hubungan kebiasaan konsumsi energi protein dan tingkat sosial ekonomi keluarga dengan kejadian stunting. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan konsumsi energi protein dan tingkat sosial ekonomi keluarga dengan kejadian stunting. Jenis penelitian bersifat kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Jumlah sampel 64 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner, food frequency question dan food recall 24 jam. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2018 di SDN 24 Kota Gorontalo. Analisis hubungan antara variabel independen dan variabel dependen menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian hubungan kebiasaan konsumsi energi protein dengan kejadian stunting dibuktikan dengan uji statistik berdasarkan kebiasaan konsumsi energi (p=0,000), kebiasaan konsumsi protein (p=0,000), kecukupan energi (p=0,000), kecukupan protein (p= 0,000). Hubungan tingkat sosial ekonomi keluarga dengan kejadian stunting dibuktikan dengan uji statistik pendidikan ibu (p=0,000) dan pendapatan keluarga (p=0,000), hasil ini menunjukan ada hubungan kebiasaan konsumsi protein dan tingkat sosial ekonomi keluarga dengan stunting dimana nilai p-Vaiue < (0,05). Diharapkan pihak sekolah dan orang tua lebih memperhatikan makanan yang dikonsumsi anak, baik di sekolah maupun di rumah, agar mengurangi kejadian stuting pada anak. Kata Kunci : Energi, Protein, Sosial, Ekonomi, Stunting. ABSTRACT Basic Health Research has found out that national stunting prevalence in 2013 was 37.2%. Based on the Public Health Office of Gorontalo Province, stunting case in Gorontalo had arrived at the percentage of 10.2% in 2013. Further, the prevalence of stunting in 2017 in Gorontalo was 18.7% according to the stunting case from 2013 to 2017 that had increased by 8.5%. Therefore, this research aims to find out the relationship between protein-energy consumption habit and familys socio-economic level with stunted students; this is generated from the problem statement of this research. This quantitative research employed the cross-sectional design and involved 64 students as the sample. The data were collected from questionnaires, food frequency questions and food recall for 24 hours. This research was conducted on October 2018 at Elementary School SDN 24 Gorontalo. The analysis of independent and dependent variables relationship used the Chi-Square test. The results signify that the relationship between protein consumption habit and stunting is proven by the statistical test based on energy consumption habit (p=0.000), protein consumption habit (p=0.000), energy sufficiency (p=0.000), protein sufficiency (p= 0.000). In addition, the relationship between the familyssocio-economiclevel and stunting is indicated by the statistical test of the mothers education (p=0.000) and family income (p=0.000). Accordingly, protein consumption habit and familys socio-economic level are correlated with stunting case with p-Value< (0.05). It is expected that the school members and parents to pay more attention to food supply to reduce the stunting case in children. Keywords:Energy, Protein, Social, Economics, Stunting
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