Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. IRWAN, SKM., M.Kes / 0007087205
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. LAKSMYN KADIR, S.Pd., M.Kes / 0014037503
Kesehatan merupakan suatu hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan dan dijaga, Sehat bukan hanya berkaitan dengan sehat secara fisik saja, namun berkaitan juga dengan sehat secara psikis/mental dan juga mencapai kesejahteraan sosial, remaja dikenal dengan masa kritis dalam siklus perkembangannya, akan mengalami banyak perubahan baik perubahan biologis, psikologis, dan sosia. Remaja dengan kebutuhan khusus (ABK) atau disabilitas secara fisik, intelektual, emosi dan sosial yang lebih rendah dari anak normal, sehinggah lebih beresiko tinggi mengalami gangguan mental dan lebih banyak menghadapi tantangan akibat ketidakmampuan mereka, penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan penilaian strength and Difficualties Questionnary (SDQ) terhadap maslah mental pada remaja di Sekolah Luar biasa Negeri kota gorontalo (tunadaksa, tunarungu, tunanetra dana tunagrahita) berdasarkan Aspek phisikology (masalah emosional, perilaku mengganggu, Hiperaktivitas, hubungan Teman sebaya, dan perilaku prososial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan descriptive survai yang disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik dengan frekuensi dan proporsi mengguanak tekhnik purposive sampling yaitu remaja usia 12-17 tahun dengan total sampling penelitian 68 siswa Sekolah Luar biasa Negeri Kota Gorontalo menggunakan alat ukur Quisioner strength and difficualties Questionnary (SDQ), Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa anak dengan jenis kebutuhan khusus rata-rata memiliki gangguan mental dalam kategori abnormal, yaitu pada tunadaksa sebesar 9%, anak tunagrahita 79%, anak tunanetra sebesar 4.4% pada anak tunarungu sebesar 7.4%, berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut perlu adanya upaya dan peran baik dari keluarga, lingkungakan masyarakat, lingkungan sekolah dan pemerintah dalam hal pelayanan dan dukungan terhadap anak ABK sebgai bentuk pencegahan dan penanganan terhadap gangguan mental Kata Kunci : Kesehatan mental, strength and Dificualties Questionnary (SDQ), Anak kebutuhan khusus (ABK) Heallth is an important thing to be paid attention to and to be maintained, Health is not only related to physical conditions but also related to mental conditions and is also related to a healthy condition in achieving social welfare. Adole,scence is o critical period in which its development cycle will experience many changes , both biological, psychological, and social changes. Meanwhile, adolescents with spectral nee�;l.v (ARK) or yeFsons with disabilities have lower abilities either physfcally, intellectually, emotionolly, and socially than normal children. This makes them have a higher risk of encountering mental disorders and face more challenges due to their disability. This study aims to describe the Strengths and Difliculties Questioonary (SDQ) assesment of mental problems in adolescents at the State extraordinary School of Gorontolo City, which is a school where children whn are physically challenged, deaf, blind, and mentally retarded, the study ba.�ed on psychological aspects. The psycholopical aspect in question is related to emotional prohlems, disruptive behavior, hyperactiviry, peer relations, and prososial behavior. this study used a descriptive survey approach which is presented in the form of tables end graphs with frequency and proporition using the purposive sampling technique. The population in this study were adolescents aged I2-I7 years with a total sample of 68 student of the State Extraordinary School of Gorontalo city obtained using the Strength and difficulties Questionnary (SDQ) measuring instrument. The results Showed that children with special needs, on average, had mental disorders in the abnormal category, omountedto 9% of physically disabled children, 79% of mentally retarded children, 4.4% of blind children, and 7.4% of deaf children. This findingrevealed that there are needs in the form of efforts and good roles from the family the community, the school envirotment and also the governments in term of services and providing support for children with special needs as a form of prevention and treatment of mental disorder keywords : Mental Health, Strength And Difficulties Questionnare (SDQ), children with special needs.
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