Penulis / NIM
NURLELA NGOIYO / 811417151
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. SUNARTO KADIR, M.Kes / 0018096605
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
MOH. RIVAI NAKOE, S.K.M., M.KL / 0026038907
Nurlela Ngoiyo. 811417151. 2021. Gambaran Pola Konsumsi dan Status Gizi Baduta (Bayi 6-24 Bulan) yang telah Mendapatkan Makanan Tambahan di Desa Poowo Kecamatan Kabila. Skripsi. Pembimbing I Dr. Sunarto Kadir, Drs., M.Kes dan Pembimbing II Moh. Rivai Nakoe, S.KM., M.KL. Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Status gizi yang baik untuk membangun SDM yang berkualitas pada hakekatnya harus dimulai sedini mungkin yakni sejak manusia itu masih berada dalam kandungan. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini bagaimana gambaran pola konsumsi dan status gizi baduta (bayi 6-24 bulan) yang telah mendapatkan makanan tambahan di Desa Poowo Kecamatan Kabila. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui gambaran pola konsumsi dan status gizi baduta (bayi 6-24 bulan) yang telah mendapatkan makanan tambahan di Desa Poowo Kecamatan Kabila. Metode penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 50 orang. Sampel penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat. Hasil penelitian pola konsumsi kategori baik paling banyak berjumlah 28 responden (56,0%) dan kategori cukup paling sedikit yaitu 6 responden (12,0%). Status gizi baduta berdasarkan BB/U yaitu kategori berat badan normal paling banyak berjumlah 35 responden (70,0%) dan paling sedikit kategori risiko lebih yaitu 6 responden (12,0%), untuk TB/U kategori normal paling banyak berjumlah 39 responden (78,0%) dan kategori sangat pendek paling sedikit berjumlah 3 responden (6,0%) dan BB/TB kategori gizi baik paling banyak berjumlah 30 responden (60,0%) dan kategori gizi lebih serta obesitas paling sedikit yaitu 3 responden (6,0%). Diharapkan penelitian ini dijadikan sebagai bahan referensi bagi petugas puskesmas sehingga puskesmas dapat memberikan informasi, arahan kepada masyarakat terkhusus untuk ibu baduta agar lebih memperhatikan pola asuh yang meliputi pola konsumsi serta tumbuh kembang anak dalam upaya perbaikan status gizi baduta. Kata Kunci : Pola Konsumsi; Status Gizi; Baduta; Makanan Tambahan Nurlela Ngoiyo. 811417151. 2021. Description of Consumption Patterns and Nutritional Status of Children Under Two years (6-24 Months Infants) who have Received Supplementary Food in Poowo Village, Kabila Sub-district. Undergraduate Thesis. The principal supervisor is Dr. Sunarto Kadir, Drs., M.Kes., and the co-supervisor is Moh. Rival Nakoe, S.KM., M.KL. Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sports and Health, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Good nutritional status to build quality human resources, in essence, must start as early as possible since the human is still in the womb. The formulation of the problem in this research was how to describe the consumption patterns and nutritional status of children under two years (6-24 months infants) who have received supplementary food in Poowo Village, Kabila Sub-district. The purpose of the research was to describe the consumption pattern and nutritional status of children under two years (6-24 infants) who had received supplementary food in Poowo Village, Kabila Sub-district. The research method was descriptive with a population of 50 people. The sample of this research was taken through the total sampling technique. The data analysis used was the univariate analysis. The results showed in terms of consumption patterns, most of the respondents or 28 respondents (56.0%) were in a good category, and the fewest category was the moderate category with 6 respondents (12.0%). In terms of nutritional status based on BB/U, namely the normal category, most of the respondents or 35 respondents (70.0%), and the fewest category was the risky category with 6 respondents (12.0%). In terms of TB/U, most of the respondents, or 39 respondents (78.0%) were in the normal category and the fewest category was a short category, and the very short category with 3 respondents (6.0%). In terms of BB/TB most of the respondents or 30 respondents (60.0%) were in the overnutrition category and the fewest category was the obese category with 3 respondents (6.0%). It is expected that this research can be used as a reference for Health Center officers so that Health Center can provide information and guideline to the community, especially for mothers of children under two to pay more attention to parenting patterns which include consumption patterns and child growth and development to improve the nutritional status of children under two. Keywords: Consumption Pattern; Nutritional Status; Children Under Two; Supplementary Food
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