Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. SUNARTO KADIR, M.Kes / 0018096605
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
YASIR MOKODOMPIS, S.KM., M.Kes / 0022107605
Anjali Sarma Pakaya, 811417153, 2022, Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik, Massa Otot dan Massa Tulang Dengan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) Pada Pegawai Pemerintah Desa di Kecamatan Posigadan. Skripsi Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Olah Raga Dan Kesehatan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Pembimbing I Dr. Sunarto Kadir. Drs., M.Kes dan Pembimbing II Yasir Mokodompis. SKM., M.Kes. Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) merupakan alat atau cara yang sederhana untuk memantaustatus gizi orang dewasa, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kekurangan dan kelebihan berat badan. Rumusan masalah adalah apakah ada hubungan aktivitas fisik, massa otot dan massa tulang dengan indeks massa tubuh (IMT). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan aktivitas fisik, massa otot dan massa tulang dengan IMT pada pegawai pemerintah desa. Penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif, desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 91 responden. Analisis data menggunakan Uji chi-square. Hasil untuk variabel pada aktivitas fisik ringan sebanyak 11 responden dengan IMT kurus sebanyak 5 responden (45,5%), responden dengan aktivitas fisik sedang sebanyak 63 responden dengan IMT normal sebanyak 50 responden (79,4%), responden dengan aktivitas fisik berat sebanyak 17 responden dengan IMT kurus sebanyak 7 responden (41,2%), variabel massa otot kurang sebanyak 27 responden dengan IMT normal sebanyak 10 responden (37,0%), responden dengan massa otot normal sebanyak 52 responden dengan IMT normal sebanyak 42 responden (80,8%), responden dengan massa otot tinggi sebanyak 12 responden dengan IMT kurus sebanyak 5 responden (41,7%), variabel massa tulang normal sebanyak 33 responden dengan IMT normal sebanyak 19 responden (57,6%), responden dengan massa tulang Osteopenia sebanyak 48 responden dengan IMT normal sebanyak 35 responden (72,9%), responden dengan massa tulang Osteoporosis sebanyak 10 responden dengan IMT kurus sebanyak 5 responden (50,0%), Disarankan kepada pegawai pemerintah desa untuk dapat memperhatikan Indeks massa tubuh agar terhindar dari beberapa masalah kesehatan seperti obesitas, osteoporosis dan masi banyak lagi. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas Fisik, IMT, Massa Otot, Massa Tulang. ABSTRACT Anjali Sarma Pakaya, 811417153, 2022, The Correlation between Physical Activity, Muscle Mass, and Bone Mass with Body Mass Index (BMI) in Village Government Apparatus in Posigadan Subdistrict. Undergraduate Thesis. Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sports and Health, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The Principal Supervisor is Dr. Sunarto Kadir, Drs., M.Kes and the Co-supervisor is Yasir Mokodompis. SKM., M.Kes. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple tool or method to monitor the nutritional status of adults, particularly those related to underweight and overweight. The research problem is whether or not there is a correlation between physical activity, muscle mass, and bone mass with body mass index (BMI). The research objective was to determine the correlation between physical activity, muscle mass, and bone mass with Body Mass Index (BMI) in village government apparatus. This study applied quantitative research with a cross-sectional design. The research samples were 91 respondents, while the data analysis employed a chi-square test. The findings revealed that for physical activity variables, it was known that out of 11 respondents with light physical activity, five respondents (45.5%) had underweight BMI, out of 63 respondents with moderate physical activity, 50 respondents (79.4%) had normal BMI, out of 17 respondents with vigorous physical activity, seven respondents (41.2%) had underweight BMI. For the muscle mass variable, it was perceptible that out of 27 respondents with low muscle mass, ten respondents (37.0%) had normal BMI, out of 52 respondents with normal muscle mass, 42 respondents (80.8%) had normal BMI, out of 12 respondents with high muscle mass, five respondents (41.7%) have underweight BMI. Meanwhile, for bone mass variables, it was found that out of 33 normal bone mass, 19 respondents (57.6%) had normal BMI, out of 48 respondents with Osteopenia bone mass, 35 respondents (72.9%) had normal BML, out of ten respondents with Osteoporosis bone mass, five respondents (50.0%) had underweight BMI. Hence, it is expected that the village government apparatus can pay attention to body mass index to avoid several health problems such as obesity, osteoporosis, and others. Keywords: physical activity, body mass index, muscle mass, bone mass
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