Penulis / NIM
ZULFA NUR HUSAIN / 811418075
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. LINTJE BOEKOESOE, M.Kes / 0010015915
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
RAMLY ABUDI, S.Psi, M.Kes / 0011097205
Perilaku tidak aman merupakan tindakan menyimpang dari prosedur kerja atau tata cara yang benar menurut persetujuan bersama sehingga tindakan yang dilakukan mengandung bahaya sehingga menimbulkan risiko kecelakaan. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui Identifikasi Unsafe Action pada kejadian kecelakaan kerja pelayanan teknik di unit Jasa Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Distribusi PLN Telaga Kota Gorontalo. Jenis penelitian observasional deskriptif. Tempat penelitian di PLN Telaga Kota Gorontalo, waktu penelitian 06 Juni ���" 06 Juli 2022. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu 32 pada Unit Jasa Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Distribusi. Instrument penelitian menggunakan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian, unsafe action terhadap bahaya pekerjaan pemeriksaan jumper yaitu 4 resiko bahaya luka ringan/memar dan 4 resiko bahaya luka berat/meninggal. Proses pekerjaan pemasangan tiang sisipan terdapat 4 resiko bahaya luka berat 5 resiko bahaya luka sedang dan 2 resiko bahaya luka ringan. Proses pekerjaan pemasangan arrester terdapat 4 resiko bahaya luka berat 3 resiko bahaya luka sedang dan 1 resiko bahaya luka ringan. Proses pekerjaan perubahan konstruksi dari isolator terdapat 2 resiko bahaya luka berat 3 resiko bahaya luka sedang dan 8 resiko bahaya luka ringan. Proses pekerjaan perbaikan pin type isolator tumpu tiang listrik terdapat 3 resiko bahaya luka berat 3 resiko bahaya luka sedang dan 3 resiko bahaya luka ringan. Kata Kunci : Unsafe Action, PLN Abstract Unsafe action is an action that deviates from the correct work procedure according to mutual agreement so that the action is dangerous and poses the risk of an accident. This study aims to identify unsafe action in the occurrence of work accidents in engineering services at the Distribution Operation and Maintenance Services Unit of PLN Telaga, Gorontalo City. This is a descriptive observational study which is carried out at PLN Telaga Gorontalo City from June 6th to July 6th, 2022. There are 32 subjects in the Distribution Operations and Maintenance Services Unit, and the instrument used is an observation sheet. The finding shows that the unsafe action on jumper inspection work has 4 risks of minor injuries/bruises and 4 risks of serious injury/death. Unsafe action in the process of installing the insertion pole has 4 risks of serious injury, 5 risks of moderate injury, and 2 risks of minor injury. Unsafe action in the process of installing the arrester has 4 risks of serious injury, 3 risks of moderate injury, and 1 risk of minor injury. Unsafe action in the process of changing the construction of the insulator has 2 risks of serious injury, 3 risks of moderate injury, and 8 risks of minor injury. Unsafe action in the process of repairing the pin type of power pole post insulator has 3 risks of serious injury, 3 risks of moderate injury, and 3 risks of minor injury. Keywords: Unsafe Action, PLN
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