Penulis / NIM
NABILA DG MAROLA / 811418179
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. HERLINA JUSUF, M.Kes / 0001106308
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
EKAWATY PRASETYA, S.Si, M.Kes / 0027028105
ABSTRAK Sungai Adalah salah satu sumber air baku untuk air minum meskipun kuantitasnya tinggi, namun dari segi kualitas air sungai mudah tercemar oleh lingkungan yang ada di sekitarnya. Aktifitas manusia, seperti mandi mencuci, membuang sampah dan limbah di sekitar sungai dapat menyebabkan terjadinya pencemaran organik, anorganik dan biologis. Dapat diperkirakan mencemari perairan, baik secara fisik, kimiawi maupun mikrobiologi Parameter fisika kualitas air menggambarkan kondisi yang dapat dilihat secara visual/kasat mata yang meliputi kekeruhan, suhu, kandungan padatan terlarut, rasa, bau, warna dan sebagainya. Parameter kimia meliputi derajat keasaman (pH), oksigen terlarut DO, BOD, COD, kandungan logam, kesadahan. Parameter biologi meliputi kandungan mikroorganisme dalam air. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis Kualitas Air Sungai Biyonga Jenis Penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah daerah aliran sungai Biyonga. Pengambilan sampel air dilakukan pada 3 titik bagian sungai. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa pada pemeriksaan fisik (warna, bau, rasa), pada bagian hulu dan tengah memenuhi syarat dan pada bagian hilir tidak memenuhi, untuk pemeriksaan suhu dan kekeruhan ketiga titik memenuhi syarat. Pemeriksaan kualitas kimia ketiga titik memenuhi syarat. Untuk pemeriksaan kualitas bakteriologis coliform dan E. coli ketiganya tidak memenuhi syarat dikarenakan adanya perilaku buruk dari masyarakat, seperti BAB, membuang sampah mandi dan mencuci sehingga dapat mencemari air sungai Biyonga.Karena buruknya kualitas air sungai dapat mengancam kondisi kesehatan penduduk maupun mahluk hidup lain disekitar wilayah sungai. Maka diharapkan kepada pemerintah perlu adanya sosialisasi atau membuat tanda-tanda larangan agar masyarakat tidak BAB dan membuang limbah di sungai. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Fisik, Kualitas Kimia , Kualitas Bakteriologis, Air Sungai ABSTRACT The river is one of the water resources used for drinking water. Although river water is high in quantity, its water is casily polluted by the surrounding environment. In terms of quality. Human activities, such as bathing, washing, and throwing garbage and waste in rivers, can cause organic, inorganic and biological pollution. It can be estimated that they will pollute the water physically, chemically and microbiologically. The physical parameters of water quality describe conditions that can be seen visually, which include turbidity, temperature, dissolved solids content, taste, smell, color and so forth. The chemical parameters include degree of acidity (pH), dissolved oxygen DO, BOD, COD, metal content, hardness. Biological parameters include the content of microorganisms in water. This research aimed to analyze the water quality of the Biyonga River. This research is the descriptive research. The population of this study was the Biyonga river basin. Water sampling was carried out at 3 points in the river section.The study���s results definet that, on physical examination (color, odor, taste), the upstream and middle sections met the requirements and the downstream did not meet the requirements, where the temperature and turbidity examination in the three points met the requirements. The Third-point chemical quality inspection was qualified. For checking the bacteriological quality of coliform and E. coli, the three sections did not meet the requirements due to bad behavior from the community, such as defecating, throwing garbage, bathing and washing that could contaminate the water of Biyonga river. As the poor quality of river water can threaten the health conditions of residents and other living things around the river area, it is hoped that the government should socializa or make prohibition signs so that people do not defecate and throw garbage waste in the river. Keywords: Physical Quality, Chemical Quality, Bacteriological Quality, River Water
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