Penulis / NIM
NUR AINI FADILAH / 821412017
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
NUR AIN THOMAS, S.Si, M.Si.Apt / 0031128201
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. TETI SUTRIYATI TULOLI, S.Farm. M.Si. Apt / 0020028004
ABSTRAK Nur Aini Fadilah. 2016. Pengaruh Penambahan Polisorbat-80 dan PVP K-30 Terhadap Laju Disolusi Tablet Ibuprofen dengan Menggunakan Metode Likuisolid. Program Studi S1 Farmasi. Jurusan Farmasi. Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Nur Ain Thomas, S.Si., M.Si., Apt dan Pembimbing II Dr. Teti S. Tuloli., M.Si., Apt Ibuprofen adalah obat antiinflamasi, analgesik dan antipiretik golongan AINS (Anti Inflamasi Non Steroid). Ibuprofen termasuk kedalam kategori BCS II atau Biopharmaceutical Classification System II, dimana ibuprofen memiliki kelarutan yang rendah dan permeabilitas yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kelarutan dan laju disolusi ibuprofen dengan menggunakan metode likuisolid dengan penambahan polisorbat-80 dan PVP K-30 serta mengetahui evaluasi fisik tablet ibuprofen yang dibuat dengan menggunakan metode likuisolid. Tablet diformulasikan kedalam empat formula F1 non likuisolid dan F2, F3, dan F4 dibuat dengan metode likuisolid dengan berbagai perbandingan jumlah pelarut non volatil polisorbat-80 yakni F2 1:3, F3 1:5, F4 1:7 dan PVP K-30 10% dari bobot liquid medication, setiap formula dilakukan uji keseragaman bobot, kekerasan tablet, kerapuhan, waktu hancur dan uji disolusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Formula 2 menunjukkan persen konsentrasi disolusi yang paling besar dari keempat formula tersebut dengan perbandingan polisorbat-80 1:3. Pada Formula 3 dengan perbandingan likuisolid antara ibuprofen dan polisorbat 80 1:5 mampu menghasilkan tablet yang memenuhi syarat fisik tablet serta disolusi tablet yang optimal. Penambahan Polisorbat-80 dan PVP K-30 serta penggunaan metode likuisolid pada tablet ibuprofen mampu menghasilkan tablet yang memenuhi persyaratan fisik tablet serta meningkatkan laju disolusi dari tablet ibuprofen. Kata Kunci: Likuisolid, Ibuprofen, Polisorbat-80, PVP K-30, Laju Disolusi ABSTRACT Nur Aini Fadilah. 2016. The Effect of Polysorbate-80 and PVP K-30 Addition toward the Dissolution Rate of Ibuprofen Tablet through Liquisolid Technique. Pharmacy Department. Faculty of Sports and Health. State University of Gorontalo. Advisor I Nur Ain Thomas, S.Si., M.Si., Apt; Advisor II Dr. Teti S. Tuloli., M.Si., Apt Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammation, analgesic, and antipyretic which is classified as NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). The category of Ibuprofen is Biopharmaceutical Classification System II, abbreviated as BCS II, in which has low solubility and decent permeability in digestive systems. This study aims to increase both the solubility and dissolution of the active substance of Ibuprofen by using varied proportions of Polysorbate-80 and 10% of PVP-K 30 and to gain deeper insights regarding the physical stability of the ibuprofen tablet composed through the liquisolid technique. The tablet is formulated into four, which are F1 non-liquisolid, F2, F3, and F4 are composed through the liquisolid technique with various proportions (F2 1:3, F3 1:5, F4 1:7) of non-volatile Polysorbate-80 solvent and PVP K-30 10% of the mass liquid medication. There is a physics evaluation to these formulas. It encompasses weight uniformity, hardness, friabillity, dissitegrating time,and dissolution test. The results indicate that the Formula 2 (F2) has the highest percentages of dissolute concentration among all the four formulas with the Polysorbate-80's proportion 1:3. The proportion between the liquisolid and ibuprofen in the Formula 3, which is 1:5, is succeeded in resulting a tablet which meets all the characteristics of tablets physically as well as the optimum tablet dissolution. The increase of the dissolution rate of the Ibuprofen tablet, through liquisolid technique and combining the non-volatile solvent Polysorbate-80 in varied proportions and the 10% of the mass of liquid medication of the hydrophilic polymer PVP K-30, is able to increase the rate of dissolution of ibuprofen tablet as well as giving best attribute to the ibuprofen tablet. Keywords: Liquisolid, Ibuprofen, Polysorbate-80, PVP K-30, Dissolution Rate
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