Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. WIDYSUSANTI ABDULKADIR, S.Si, M.Si.Apt / 0017127106
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
MADANIA, S.Farm., M.Sc., Apt / 0018058304
Tuberculosis (TB) adalah penyakit infeksi menular yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sebagian besar kuman tuberkulosis menyerang jaringan (parenkim) paru, termasuk pleura (selaput paru) dan kelenjar pada hilus. Tingginya angka kejadian Tuberkulosis di dinia disebabkan oleh ketidakpatuhan terhadap program pengobatan yang tidak adukatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur hubungan pengetahuan dengan kepatuhan minum obat pada penderita TB Paru di Puskesmas Dengilo Kabupaten Pohuwato. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional menggunakan koesioner dan sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 36 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penderita Tuberkulosis Paru (TB Paru) yang memiliki tingkat berpengetahuan baik sebesar 20%, responden berpengetahuan cukup sebesar 72% dan responden berpengetahuan kurang sebesar 8%, responden yang patuh sebesar 92% dan responden yang tidak patuh selama program pengobatan sebesar 8%. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik chi square ' = 0.05 diperoleh value < 0.005 yaitu 0.001 yang menunjukan bahwa adanya hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan kepatuhan minum obat pada penderita TB paru. Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan ; Kepatuhan ; Tuberkulosis Paru ; Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Most of the tuberculosis germs invade the tissues (parenchyma) of the lungs, including the pleura (lung membrane) and the glands in the hilum. This disease if left untreated or incomplete treatment can cause dangerous complications to death. Besides that, pulmonary tuberculosis also remains one of the most serious health problems in the world and the main cause of death in developing countries. The disobedience of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis treatment causes a low cure rate, high mortality rates and increased recurrence and the more fatal is the occurrence of bacterial resistance to some pulmonary anti-tuberculosis drugs and is very difficult to cure. This study aims to measure the relationship of knowledge with medication adherence to patients with pulmonary TB at the Dengilo Health Center in Pohuwato Regency. This study was a descriptive analytic study with a cross sectional design using questionnaires and the sample used was 36 respondents. The data was analyzed using SPSS 23. While the statistical test carried out in this study was the chi-square test with ' = 0.05. as many as 20% of respondents have good knowledge, 72% of respondents have sufficient knowledge, 8% of respondents are less knowledgeable, 92% of respondents are obedient and 8% of respondents are not obedient during the treatment program. Based on the results of the chi square statistical test ' = 0.05 obtained value
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