Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. TETI SUTRIYATI TULOLI, S.Farm. M.Si. Apt / 0020028004
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr. WIDYSUSANTI ABDULKADIR, S.Si, M.Si.Apt / 0017127106
ABSTRAK Fharhan Fadhlurrahman. 2017. Analisis Biaya (Cost - Minimization Analysis) Penggunaan Obat Kombinasi Antihipertensi Amlodipin - Bisoprolol Dan Amlodipin - Furosemid (Inj.) Di RSUD Dr. M.M Dunda Limboto. Skripsi, Program Studi S1, Jurusan Farmasi, Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Dr. Teti Sutriyati Tuloli, M.Si., Apt. dan Pembimbing II Dr. Widysusanti Abdulkadir, M.Si., Apt. Hipertensi merupakan faktor risiko utama untuk penyakit jantung seperti infark miokard, stroke, gagal jantung dan kematian. Menurut JNC-VII, hampir satu milyar orang menderita hipertensi di dunia. Seseorang dikatakan hipertensi ditandai dengan tekanan darah 𷍜/90 mmHg.Pengobatan hipertensi bertujuan mendapatkan target tekanan darah dalam rentang yang normal, yaitu 𷍜/90 mmHg pada berbagai kondisi pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Analisis Biaya Minimal penggunaan dua obat kombinasi antihipertensi yaitu amlodipin - bisoprolol dan amlodipin - furosemid di RSUD Dr.M.M Dunda Limboto. Penelitian ini bersifat retrospektif dengan menggunakan desain purposive. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder pasien hipertensi periode Januari - April 2017. Data yang di ambil meliputi lama rawat inap, dan data keuangan. Data di analisis menggunkan direct medical cost. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kelompok kombinasi antihipertensi amlodipin - bisoprolol lebih cost minimalis (Efektif lebih murah) dengan rata - rata lama hari rawat inap 4,68 hari dengan biaya Rp. 1.123.908,24,- dibandingkan dengan kelompok kombinasi antihipertensi Amlodipin - Furosemid (Inj.) dengan rata - rata lama hari rawat inap 4,72 hari dengan biaya Rp. 1.407.404,64,- Kata Kunci : Analisis Biaya, Kombinasi Antihipertensi, Hipertensi ABSTRACT Fharhan Fadhlurrahman. 2017. Cost-Minimization Analysis of The Use of Combination Between Antihypertensive Drugs of Amlodipine-Bisoprolol and Amlodipine-Furosemid (Inj.) in Dr. M. M Dunda Regional Public Hospital in Limboto. Undergraduate Thesis. Pharmaceutical Department. Faculty of Sport and Health. Gorontalo State University. Supervisor I Dr. Teti Sutriyati Tuloli, M.Si., Apt. and Supervisor II Dr. Widysusanti Abdulkadir, M.Si., Apt. Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease such as myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure and death. According to JNC-VII, almost one billion people in the world that suffer from hypertension. A person is said to have hypertension if marked with blood pressure 𷍜 / 90 mmHg. The treatment of hypertension aims to get a target of blood pressure in the normal range, is 𷍜 / 90 mmHg in the various conditions of the patients. This study aimed to determine the minimal cost analysis of the use of two combination of antihypertensive drugs, namely of amlodipine - bisoprolol and amlodipine - furosemid in Dr. M. M Dunda Limboto Regional Public Hospital. This research was a retrospective research by using purposive design. This study used secondary data from the patients of hypertension from January to April 2017. Data which was taken include the length of hospitalization and the financial data. The data were analyzed using direct medical cost. The results of this study showed that antihypertensive drugs with the combination group of amlodipine - bisoprolol was more cost minimization (effectively cheaper) with the average length of hospitalization days was 4,68 days at a cost of Rp. 1.123.908,24,- compared to the antihypertensive drugs with the combination group of Amlodipine - Furosemid (Inj.) with the average length of hospitalization time was 4,72 days at a cost of Rp. 1.407.404,64,-. Keywords : Cost Minimization Analysis, Combination of Antihypertensive Drugs, Hypertension
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