Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Drs. AHMAD LAMUSU, S.Pd, M.Pd / 0019125809
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ZULKIFLI LAMUSU, S.Pd. M.Pd / 0025078304
Didik Kurniawan Paloa. Nim 831410087, Skripsi 2014 increase of movement foundation's skill springy rool or "guling lenting" by means of part method in student class VIII Mts Integral hidayahtullah (guidanced 1 by Drs Ahmad Lamusu S.Pd.M.Pd and guidanced II Zulkifli Lamusu.S.Pd.M.Pd).
The problem in this research is from the aplication of part method can increase the skill of movement foundation "guling lenting" or spring roll in class VIII Mts Integral Hidayahtullah or not ? the purpose of research is to increase the skill of movement foundation "guling lenting" by means of part method in class VIII Mts Integral Hidayahtullah.
The method that using in this research is part method. Subject's research is students class VIII Mts Integral Hidayahtullah who has 13 students in class. Research of act in this class during two cycle.
The result of research showing that presentation of students who are doing movement foundation "guling lenting" or springy roll in the early observation get 38,47 percen. Afterwardes in the cycle 1 student's ability has increase 53,05 percen. Howover the result that we have get from cycle 1 didn't attain of work indicator yet, so research has continue the research on cycle II. The result in the cycle II has increase of 81,55 percen.
Base on the result above we can conclude the using part method to increase skill of movement foundation "guling lenting" or springy roll in students class VIII Mts Integral Hidayahtullah make the presentation be increase.
Key Word : Part Method and Movement Foundation "Guling Lenting" or Springy Roll
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