Penulis / NIM
DARMAJI S. EDI / 831410271
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Drs. SARJAN MILE, M.S / 0008056102
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ZULKIFLI LAMUSU, S.Pd. M.Pd / 0025078304
ABSTRACT Darmaji S Edi. Nim. 831 410 271. "Improving the Basic Motion Discused Throw In Sports Athletics Pass Through Modification Tool Course in Students Class IV SDN Impres 2 Rusa Kencana Kabupaten Banggai", Program Study SI Education and Sport. Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport, University of Gorontalo. Supervisor 1 Drs. Sarjan Mile, MS and Supervisor II Zulkipli A Lamusu, S.Pd, M.Pd The formulation of the problem in this research are : " What is the modified learning tool can improve the basic motion pass throwing students in class IV SDN Impres 2 Rusa Kencana Kabupaten Banggai . The objective of this research is generally of this research aims the improving to learning process physical education pass through learning in the modification, purpose to improve the basic motion in number throw learned in primary school , and particulary to improving trow in the basic motion in students class SDN Impres 2 Rusa Kencana Kabupaten Banggai. The subjects of research is the students in class IV SDN Impres 2 Rusa Kencana Kabupaten Banggai, the number of students 24 people consisting of 10 sons and 14 daughters . The experiment was conducted in the cycle III from each cycle to given action three times and one-time evaluation, the research can said to be complete when the achievement indicator student until reached 75 % . From the data obtained pass through the initial observation gained an average 53.88 and advance until 7,28%, so good on 61,16%, coming to cycle II addition until 6,47% so achieve until 67,63% see that result mentioned still not achieve indicators, so the recearch continuous into the next cycle that is cycle III. In the cycle III increased until become 9,45%, so the students in cycle II revolve 67,63% and then increased until 77,08% after the cycle III action. The conclusion of research this class action, With the research that has been to make in SDN Impres 2 Rusa Kencana Kabupaten Banggai pass through modification learning tool can be incarried basic motion pass trow discus in athletics student sitting in class IV . Thus, the action hypothesis in this research is that teachers use instructional modifications learning tool, so the student's mastery in making the learning basic motion throwing on the subjects of physical education students in classo IV SDN Impres 2 Rusa Kencana Kabupaten Banggai can be improved. Key words : Discus Throw, Modification Learning Tool
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