Penulis / NIM
PENDRI PAKAYA / 831412127
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr ASRY SYAM, S.Pd, M.Pd / 0006067607
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
RISNA PODUNGGE, S.Pd., M.Pd / 0021077106
Pakaya. Pendri 2019. "Improving Basic Skills Shooting In Basketball Game Through STAD Cooperative Learning Models In Class XI TKR SMK Tirtayasa". Thesis, Education Department sports, Faculty of sport and health, Gorontalo State University. Supervisor I Drs. Sarjan Mile, M.S, and Supervisor II Risna Podungge, S.Pd, M.Pd.
The problems in this study is whether STAD cooperative learning models can enhance the basic skills in the game of basketball shooting in class XI TKR SMK Tirtayasa?. The purpose of this research is to improve the basic skills of shooting through cooperative learning type STAD models in the game of basketball in class XI TKR SMK Tirtayasa.
Based on the research that has been done in class XI TKR SMK Tirtayasa can be seen that the initial observation results of basic skills in the game of basketball shooting at an average of 50.31. Having held the first cycle measures the results of basic skills in the game of basketball shooting increased at an average of 64.69. But the value of the achievements in the cycle is not yet meet the performance indicators. For that held the second cycle. So with that followed the results of the second cycle of basic skills in the game of basketball shooting at an average of 80.63.
Then, it is clear that an increase in the basic skills in the game of basketball shooting, both from the initial observation, the first cycle and the second cycle. In the second cycle results achieved by 80.63 thus already meets the performance indicators which amounted to 80% of all students obtaining a minimum value of 70-79 or enter the criterion of "good". Thus the hypothesis which says "if implemented, STAD cooperative learning models basic skills in the game of basketball shooting in class XI TKR SMK Tirtayasa will increase", is acceptable.
Keywords: Shooting, Basketball, STAD Cooperative Learning Models.
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