Penulis / NIM
ASMAH SUWAI / 831414214
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Drs. AHMAD LAMUSU, S.Pd, M.Pd / 0019125809
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
RISNA PODUNGGE, S.Pd., M.Pd / 0021077106
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan gerak dasar sikap lilin pada siswa kelas V SDN 8 TIBAWA Kabupaten Gorontalo melalui model pembelajaran explicit instruction. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di lapangan maka diperoleh data awal yaitu untuk (1) sikap awal rata-rata nilai 57, (2) pelaksanaan gerak rata-rata nilai 57, dan (3) sikap akhir dengan rata-rata nilai 59, sementara nilai klasikal 57,67. Pada siklus I yaitu untuk (1) sikap awal rata-rata nilai 64,42, (2) pelaksanaan gerak rata-rata nilai 63,46, dan (3) sikap akhir dengan rata-rata nilai 67,31, sementara nilai klasikal 67,67. Dan pada siklus II yaitu untuk (1) sikap awal rata-rata nilai 83, (2) pelaksanaan gerak rata-rata nilai 84, dan (3) sikap akhir dengan rata-rata nilai 80, sementara nilai klasikal 82,33. Melihat hasil di atas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan gerak dasar sikap lilin siswa telah meningkat dengan rata-rata semua siswa telah memiliki kemampuan dalam melakukan gerak dasar sikap lilin. Berdasarkan hasil pada siklus ke dua tersebut maka dapat diasumsikan bahwa model pembelajaran explicit instruction dapat meningkatkan kemampuan gerak dasar sikap lilin siswa kelas V sekolah dasar. Kata Kunci : Sikap Lilin, Senam Lantai, Model Pembelajaran Explicit Instruction. Abstract This research aims to improve basic motor skills wax attitude in class V SDN 8 Tibawa Gorontalo district through explicit instruction learning model. Based on the results of research in the field of the obtained preliminary data, as (1) the initial attitude of the average value of 57, (2) the implementation of Moving average value of 57, and (3) the final attitude with an average score of 59, while the value of the classical 57 , 67. In the first cycle, as (1) the initial attitude of the average value of 64.42, (2) the implementation of Moving average value of 63.46, and (3) the final attitude with an average value of 67.31, while the value of the classical 67 , 67. And the second cycle, as (1) the initial attitude of the average value of 83, (2) the implementation of Moving average value of 84, and (3) the final attitude with an average value of 80, while the classical value of 82.33. Seeing the results of the above it can be concluded that the basic movement abilities candle attitude of students has increased by an average of all students have the ability to perform basic motion candle attitude. Based on the results of the second cycle, it can be assumed that the learning model of explicit instruction can improve attitudes basic motion candles fifth grade elementary school students. Keywords: Attitudes Candles, Floor Exercise, Learning Model of Explicit Instruction.
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