Penulis / NIM
YAHYA BANGGA / 832411047
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
MARSA LIE TUMBAL, S.Pd M.Pd / 0023047603
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
SYARIF HIDAYAT, S.Pd Kor M.Or / 0003047902
ABSTRAK Bangga, Yahya. 2016. Pengaruh Latihan Multiple Box Forward Jump Dan Box Side Jump Sprint Terhadap Peningkatan Power Tungkai Cabang Olahraga Pencak Silat Pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 8 Kota Gorontalo. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga, Fakultas Olahraga Dan Kesehatan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Bapak Marsa Lie Tumbal, S.Pd, M.Pd, dan Pembimbing II Bapak Syarif Hidayat, S.Pd, M.Pd. Permasalah dalam penelitian ini yakni seberapa besar pengaruh pelatihan Multiple box forward jump dan side jump sprint terhadap peningkatan power tungkai pada siswa Kelas VII SMP N 8 Kota Gorontalo? Tujuannya untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan Multiple box forward jump dan side jump sprint terhadap peningkatan power tungkai pada siswa Kelas VII SMP N 8 Kota Gorontalo. Latihan yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Latihan Multiple Box Forward Jump Dan Box Side Jump Sprint. Desain penelitian menggunakan desain "One Group Pre-test and Post-Test Design Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan uji t diperoleh thitung = 7.767925 lebih besar dari nilai ttabel pada alfa = 0.05; dk n-1 ( 20-1 = 19 ) diperoleh harga ttabel = 1.729. Dengan demikian thitung lebih besar dari pada ttabel, kriteria pengujian menyatakan bahwa tolak H0 jika thitung (th > (tt), oleh karena itu hipotesis alternative Ha dapat diterima atau terdapat pengaruh latihan Multiple box forward jump dan side jump sprint terhadap power tungkai. Sehingga hipotesis Ho menyatakan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh latihan Multiple box forward jump dan side jump sprint terhadap power tungkai, tolak dan menerima hipotesis Ha yang menyatakan ; diterima atau terdapat pengaruh latihan Multiple box forward jump dan side jump sprint terhadap power tungkai. Kata Kunci : Power Tungkai, Pencak Silat, Multiple Box Forward Jump, Box Side Jump Sprint ABSTRACT Bangga, Yahya. 2016. Effect of Exercise Multiple Box Forward Side Box Jump Jump And Sprint Against Increased Power Limb Branch Sports Pencak Silat In Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 8 Gorontalo. Thesis, Department of Sports Coaching Education, Faculty of Sports and Health, State University of Gorontalo. Advisor I Mr. Marsa Lie Tumbal, S.Pd, M.Pd, and Supervisor II Mr. Syarif Hidayat, S.Pd, M.Pd. Problems in this study that is how much influence Multiple training box jump forward and jump side sprint to increase leg power in Class VII student of SMP N 8 Gorontalo? The goal is to determine the effect of exercise Multiple Boxes forward jump and sprint jump side to increase leg power in Class VII student of SMP N 8 Gorontalo. Exercises applied in this research that exercise Forward Multiple Box Side Box Jump Jump And Sprint. The study design using the design "One Group Pre-test and Post-Test Design" Based on the calculation t test obtained t = 7.767925 is greater than the value ttable on alpha = 0:05; dk n-1 (20-1 = 19) were obtained price table = 1,729. Thus thitung greater than ttable, the testing criteria states that reject H0 if thitung (th> (tt), therefore the alternative hypothesis Ha acceptable or are the effects of exercise Multiple Boxes forward jump and side jump sprint to the power leg. So the hypothesis Ho stated that there is no influence of exercise Multiple box jump forward and jump side sprint to the power limbs, reject and accept the hypothesis Ha stated; accepted or exercise influence Multiple Boxes are forward jump and sprint jump side to the power leg. Keywords : Power Limbs, Pencak Silat, Multiple Box Jump Forward, Side Box Jump Sprint
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