Penulis / NIM
MOH. SABRI BAYAHU / 832411059
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dra. NURHAYATI LIPUTO, M.Pd / 0002095703
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
EDY DHARMA PUTRA DUHE, S.Pd M.Pd / 0015068103
ABSTRAK MOHAMAD SABRI BAYAHU. 832 411 059"perbedaan pengaruh latihan horizontal swing dan latihan heavy bag stroke terhadap jauhnya lemparan dalam lempar cakram pada siswa putra Sma Negeri 2 Limboto. Tujuan penelitian: Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar perbedaan pengaruh latihan horizontal swing dan latihan heavy bag stroke terhadap jauhnya lemparan dalam lempar cakram pada siswa putra Sma Negeri 2 Limboto. Metode penelitian: Penelitian Eksperimen.Desain penelitian ini adalah: Two Group Pre test and Post test. Sampel penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa putra SMA Negeri 2 limboto sebanyak 22 orang. Hasil penelitian: Dari hasil pengujian pre test dan post test kelompok latihan Horizontal swing menunjukan harga t hitungsebesar 4,28. Sedangkan dari daftar distribusi diperoleh harga t daftar sebesar 1,81. Ternyata harga t hitung telah berada didalam daerah penerimaan Ha. Jadi dapat disimpulkan latihan horizontal swing memiliki pengaruh terhadap jauhnya lemparan dalam lempar cakram. Dari hasil pengujian pre test dan post test kelompok latihan heavy bag stroke menunjukan harga t hitung sebesar 3,85. Sedangkan dari daftar distribusi diperoleh harga t daftar sebesar 1,81. Ternyata harga t hitung telah berada dalam daerah penerimaan Ha. Jadi dapat disimpulkan latihan heavy bag stroke memiliki pengaruh terhadap jauhnya lemparan dalam lempar cakram. Dari hasil pengujian perbedaan latihan horizontal swing dan heavy bag stroke, harga t hitung 10,75. Sedangkan t daftar 2,53 pada taraf nyata = 0,01 (99%). dan 1,72 untuk taraf nyata = 0,05 (95%). Jadi dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan antara hasil latihan horizontal swing dan latihan heavy bag stroke terhadap jauhnya lemparan dalam lempar cakram pada siswa putra SMA Negeri 2 limboto. Kata kunci: Horizontal Swing, Heavy Bag stroke, Lempar Cakram ABSTRACT MOHAMAD SABRI BAYAHU. 832 411 059 " Differences in the effect of Horizontal Swing training and exercise Heavy Bag Stroke to throw n discus throwing away the male student SMA Negeri 2 Limboto". Objective: To find out how much difference the influence of horizontal swing drills and exercises stroke heavy bag to throw in discus throwing away the male student Sma Negeri 2 Limboto. Methods: This study is Eksperimen.Desain: Two Group Pre test and Post test. The research sample was conducted on male student SMAN 2 Limboto many as 22 people. RESULTS: From the test results of pre-test and post-test training group showed Horizontal swing t hitungsebesar price of 4.28. While the distribution list obtained t list price by 1.81. Apparently the price t have to be in the reception area Ha. So we can conclude the exercise had an influence on the horizontal swing away in the discus throw. From the test results of pre-test and post-test training group showed heavy bag stroke t price of 3.85. While the distribution list obtained t list price by 1.81. Apparently the price t have to be in the reception area Ha. So we can conclude the heavy bag workout stroke has an influence on the throw in discus throwing away. From the results of exercise testing the difference horizontal stroke swing and heavy bag, the price of t 10.75. While the list of 2.53 t on the real level = 0.01 (99%). and 1.72 for the real level of = 0.05 (95%). So we can conclude there is a difference between the results of horizontal swing drills and exercises stroke against the heavy bag in the discus throw away the male student SMAN 2 Limboto. Keywords: Horizontal Swing, Heavy Bag stroke, Discus Throw
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