Penulis / NIM
MOH. RIFAN / 832413077
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dra. NURHAYATI LIPUTO, M.Pd / 0002095703
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
RESA SUKARDI MASSA, S.Pd., M.Pd / 00180988
ABSTRAK MOH RIFAN. NIM: 832413077, 2018 "Perbedaan pengaruh model latihan shooting dengan pola berpindah sasaran dan di tempat terhadap ketepatan Shooting dalam permainan sepak bola (study eksperimen pada SSB Gelora Telaga Kabupaten Gorontalo)" Tujuan Penelitian ini yaitu 1) untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Latihan model latihan shooting dengan pola berpindah sasaran terhadap Peningkatan ketepatan shooting dalam Permainan sepak Bola, 2) Pengaruh Latihan model latihan shooting dengan pola ditempat Terhadap Peningkatan ketepatan shooting dalam Permainan sepak, 3) untuk mengetahui perbedaaan Pengaruh Latihan model latihan shooting dengan pola berpindah sasaran dan ditempat Terhadap Peningkatan ketepatan shooting dalam Permainan sepak Metode penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan desian two Group pree test-post test desingn. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 20 orang. Adapun Instrument yang digunakan yaitu ...... teknik analisis data penelitian menggunakan analisis uji t. Hasil pengujian hipotesis pertama di peroleh thitung = 7.66. nilai ttabel pada ' = 0,05; dk = n-1 (10-1 =9) di peroleh harga sebesar 1.83. Dengan demikian thitung lebih besar dari ttable (thitung = 7.66 > ttabe l = 1.83). Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh model latihan shooting dengan pola berpindah sasaran terhadap ketepatan shooting pada pemain sepak bola SSB Geolora Talaga Kab.Gorontalo. Hasil pengujian hipotesis kedua diperoleh thitung = 10.17. nilai ttabel pada ' = 0,05; dk = n-1 (10-1 =9) di peroleh harga sebesar 1.83. Dengan demikian thitung lebih besar dari ttable (thitung = 10.17 > ttabe l = 1.83). Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh model latihan shooting dengan pola shooting di tempat terhadap ketepatan shooting pada pemain sepak bola SSB Geolora Talaga Kab.Gorontalo. Hasil pengujian ketiga diperoleh thitung = 3.104. nilai ttabel pada ' = 0,05; dk = n-1 (10-1 =9) di peroleh harga sebesar 1.83. Dengan demikian thitung lebih besar dari ttable (thitung = 3.104> ttabe l = 1.83). Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan bahwa ada perbedaan pengaruh model latihan shooting dengan pola berpindah sasaran dengan shooting di tempat terhadap ketepatan shooting pada pemain sepak bola SSB Geolora Talaga Kab.Gorontalo Kata Kunci : shooting berpindah sasaran, shooting ditempat, ketepatan shooting" ABSTRACT MOH RIFAN. NIM: 832413077, 2018 "Differences in the effect of shooting training models with target and on-site switching patterns on Shooting accuracy in soccer games (experimental study at SSB Gelora Telaga Gorontalo District)" The purpose of this study is 1) to determine the effect of exercise shooting shooting model with the pattern of moving targets to increase the accuracy of shooting in soccer games, 2) the effect of exercise shooting practice model with a pattern on the increase in shooting accuracy in soccer games, 3) to determine the difference in influence Exercise shooting training model with the pattern of moving the target and the place towards increasing the accuracy of shooting in the soccer game This research method is an experimental method with desian two group pree test-post test noise. The study sample consisted of 20 people. The instrument used is ...... data analysis techniques using t test analysis. The results of the first hypothesis testing obtained t count = 7.66. value of t table at ' = 0.05; dk = n-1 (10-1 = 9) obtained a price of 1.83. Thus, t count is greater than ttable (t count = 7.66> ttabe l = 1.83). Thus it can be stated that there is an influence of the shooting training model with a pattern of switching targets to the accuracy of shooting at SSB Geolora Talaga soccer players in Gorontalo District. Results of testing the second hypothesis obtained t count = 10.17. value of t table at ' = 0.05; dk = n-1 (10-1 = 9) obtained a price of 1.83. Thus tcount is greater than ttable (tcount = 10.17> ttabe l = 1.83). Thus it can be stated that there is an influence of the shooting training model with shooting patterns in place against the accuracy of shooting at SSB Geolora Talaga soccer player, Gorontalo District. The third test results obtained thitung = 3.104. value of t table at ' = 0.05; dk = n-1 (10-1 = 9) obtained a price of 1.83. Thus, t count is greater than ttable (thitung = 3.104> ttabe l = 1.83). Thus it can be stated that there is a difference in the effect of the shooting training model with the target switching pattern with on-site shooting on the accuracy of shooting on football players SSB Geolora Talaga Kab.Gorontalo Keywords: target switching shooting, on-site shooting, shooting accuracy
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