Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
SYARIF HIDAYAT, S.Pd Kor M.Or / 0003047902
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
SUPRIANTO KADIR, S.Pd., M.Pd / 0018098705
ABSTRAK Sri Endang Zakaria. 2022 Pengembangan Tes Kelincahan Tendangan Sabit Pada Olahraga pencak silat yang bertujuan untuk membuat dan mengembangkan tes kelincahan tendangan sabit yang valid dan handal dalam pencak silat sehingga penilaian kualitas tendangan sabit pada tes kelincahan tendangan pencak silat dapat benar-benar dilakukan secara objektif. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Pembinaan Olahraga, Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Syarif HidayatM,Or dan Pembimbing II Suprianto Kadir, S.Pd, M.Pd Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development). Penelitian ini melalui tahapan: (1) Potensi masalah, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi desain, (5) revisi produk, (6) uji coba produk, (7) revisi produk tahap 1 , ( 8) uji coba penggunaan, (9) revisi produk tahap 2. Proses validasi desain melibatkan ahli pencaksilat, pelatih pencak silat, ahli desain, serta ahli tes dan pengukuran. Subyek uji coba kelompok kecil adalah 8 atlet pencak silat yang aktif berlatih di PPLP Gorontalo dan uji coba kelompok besar terdiri dari 30 pesilat yang terdiri dari (14 atlet) dari Perguruan PSTM Gorontalo dan 16 atlet dari perguruan PPSBP Gorontalo dan beberapa perguruan pencak silat yang aktif. di Kota Gorontalo. Analisis data adalah data kuantitatif yang diubah menjadi data deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil dari penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah sebuah model tes untuk tes kelincahan tendangan pencak silat yang diberi nama V-Test TPS. Data hasil validasi ahli 100% menyatakan layak. Hasil uji coba kelompok kecil dapat diperoleh catatan waktu tercepat 6,64 detik dan terendah 8,42 detik dengan jumlah rata-rata 7,77 dan hasil uji coba kelompok besar dapat diperoleh data catatan waktu tercepat 7,75 detik dan terendah adalah 10,85 detik dengan jumlah rata-rata 9,40. Uji coba kelompok besar diperoleh hasil reliabilitas r = 0,99 sehingga dapat dikatakan model uji ini dikatakan reliabel. Kata kunci: Pengembangan, tes kelincahan, tendangan sabit, pencak silat ABSTRACT Sri Endang Zakaria. 2022 "Development of the Sickle Kick Agility Test in Martial arts Sports" which aims to create and develop a valid and reliable sickle kick agility test in Martial arts so that the assessment of the quality of the sickle kick in the Martial arts kick agility test can really be done objectively. Thesis of the Department of Sports Coaching Education, Faculty of Sports and Health, State University of Gorontalo. Supervisor I Syarif HidayatM,Or and Supervisor II Suprianto Kadir, S.Pd, M.Pd This research is a research and development (research and development). This research went through the stages: (1) Potential problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) product revision, (6) product testing, (7) phase 1 product revision, ( 8) trial use, (9) product revision stage 2. The design validation process involves pencaksilat experts, Martial arts trainers, design experts, as well as test and measurement experts. The subjects of the small group trial were 8 Martial arts athletes who were actively practicing at PPLP Gorontalo and the large group trial consisted of 30 fighters consisting of (14 athletes) from PSTM Gorontalo College and 16 athletes from PPSBP Gorontalo colleges and several Pencaksilat colleges active in Gorontalo City. Data analysis is quantitative data which is converted into quantitative descriptive data using the Pearson correlation test. The result of this research and development is a test model for Martial arts kick agility test which is named V-Test TPS. The data from the expert validation results 100% stated that it was feasible. The results of small group trials can be obtained that the fastest record time is 6.64 seconds and the lowest is 8.42 seconds with an average number of 7.77 and the results of large group trials can be obtained that the fastest time record data is 7.75 seconds and the lowest is 10.85 seconds with an average number of 9.40. Large group trials obtained reliability results r = 0.99 thus it can be said that this test model is said to be reliable. Keywords: Development, agility test, sickle kick, Martial arts
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