Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. UCOK HASIAN REFIATER, S.Pd M.Pd / 0020117703
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
SUPRIANTO KADIR, S.Pd., M.Pd / 0018098705
ABSTRAK Prediyanto Mustapa, 832418051. 2022 Pengembangan Variasi Bentuk Latihan Moving Dalam Karate Menggunakan Alat Agility Ladder. Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Bapak Dr. Ucok Hasian Rafiater S.Pd., M.Pd Dan Pembimbing II Bapak Suprianto Kadir S.Pd., M.Pd Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat suatu Variasi Gerakan Moving dalam Karate Menggunakan alat Agility Ladder. menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Gerakan variasi kemudian divalidasi oleh 5 ahli terdiri dari 2 Ahli Tehnik Karate,Ahli Biomekanika Gerak, Ahli Physical Conditioning Dan Ahli Variasi Latihan dan dilanjutkan ke Uji Coba Kelompok Kecil dan Uji Coba Lapangan. Uji Coba Kelompok Kecil menggunakan sampel 10 atlit di PPLP Provinsi Gorontalo dan Uji Coba Lapangan menggunakan sampel 20 atlit di Dojo Inkanas Gorontalo. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa dari 26 butir total soal pertanyaan yang diberikan kepada ahli dimana masing-masing ahli mendapat 5 butir pertanyaan dan 1 ahli mendapat 6 butir pertanyaan, hampir semua ahli menyatakan setuju, diperoleh hitungan 1 x 26 butir soal = 26. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan variasi bentuk latihan moving dalam karate menggunakan alat agility ladder telah memenuhi syarat validitas. Hasil Uji Coba Kelompok Kecil Total Penilaian sebesar 83,50% di kategorikanLayak.dan Hasil Uji Coba Lapangan Total penilaian sebesar 88,83% dikategorikan Layak. Kata Kunci: Variasi Bentuk Latihan, Moving Karate,Agility Ladder ABSTRACT Prediyanto Mustapa, 832418051. 2022. Development of Variations of Moving Exercises in Karate using Agility Ladder. Undergraduate Thesis. Sport Coaching Education, Univeristas Negeri Gorontalo the principal supervisor is Dr. Ucok Hasian Rafiater S.Pd., M.Pd., and the co-supervisor is Suprianto Kadir S.Pd., M.Pd. This study aims to create movement variations of moving in karate using agility ladder. This study employs research and development methods. The movement variation are validated by 5 experts, including 2 karate experts, biomechanics experts, Physical conditioning experts, and exercise variations experts, and conitunued to small group trials and field trials. The small group trials used a sample of 10 athletes at PPLP Gorontalo Province, and the field trial used a sample of 20 athletes at the Dojo Inkanas Gorontalo. The results show that almost all experts agreed on a total of 26 questions given to experts, where each experts has 5 question and 1 expert with 6 question. It obtains a count of 1 x 26 items = 26. Thus, it can be concluded that the development of variations of moving exercises in karate using the agility ladder meets the validity requitments. The results of the small group trials with a total assessment of 83,50% is categorized as Eligible. The field trials with a total assessment of 88,83% is categorized as Eligible. Keywords : variations in Exercise, Moving Karate, Agility Ladder
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