Penulis / NIM
DELAWATI LALU / 841409045
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dra RANY HIOLA, M.Kes / 0013095302
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
ANDRIANI, S.Kep, Ns., M.Kes / 00101082
ABSTRACT DELAWATI LALU. Student’s ID 841409045. The Overview of Female Students’ Knowledge about Fluor Albus at class XI of MAN Model, Gorontalo city. Skripsi. Study Program of Nursing Science. Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The principal supervisor was Hj. Rany Hiola, and the co-supervisor was Andriani. Fluor Albus is a very frequent symptom experienced by most women. This symptom is a second problem after menstrual disorders. One of the issues of adolescent reproductive health, especially women who often complained of is the Fluor Albus. The aim of this problem is to know the level of female students’ knowledge about Fluor Albus at class XI of MAN Model, Gorontalo city. The method of this research applied descriptive quantitative. This research was conducted during 5 May – 5 June 2013 in MAN Model Kota Gorontalo. The sample is 111 female students of class XI and applied cluster random sampling technique. In collecting the data, it was used close ended questionnaire, and in analyzing the data used SPSS program version 17,0. The result of the research showed the level of female students’ knowledge about Fluor Albus who had good category about 39 students or 35,1%, students who had enough category about 52 students or about 46,8%, and students who had less category about 20 students or 18 %. The conclusion of this research about female students’ knowledge about Fluor Albus at class XI of MAN Model, Gorontalo city was categorized enough. This research suggested to the school of MAN Model that to input the material of Fluor Albus into some extracurricular material, like PMR (Red Cross Youth) and UKS (School Unit Health). Keywords: Knowledge, Fluor Albus ABSTRAK DELAWATI LALU. NIM : 841 409 045. Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan Siswi Kelas XI MAN MODEL Kota Gorontalo Tentang Fluor Albus. Skripsi, Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan, Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan dan Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Ibu Hj. Rany Hiola dan Pembimbing II Ibu Andriani. Fluor albus merupakan gejala yang sangat sering dialami oleh sebagian besar wanita. Gangguan ini merupakan masalah kedua sesudah gangguan haid. Salah satu masalah kesehatan reproduksi remaja khususnya wanita yang sering dikeluhkan adalah fluor albus. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan siswi kelas XI MAN MODEL Kota Gorontalo tentang Fluor Albus. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian adalah deskritif kuantitatif. Lokasi penelitian di MAN MODEL Kota Gorontalo. Penelitian ini dilakasanakan dengan selang waktu tanggal 5 Mei - 5 Juni 2013. Jumlah sampel 111 siswi kelas XI dengan tehnik penarikan sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling, pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner tertutup, sedangkan untuk analisis data menggunakan program SPSS versi 17,0 . Hasil penelitian tingkat pengetahuan siswi kelas XI tentang fluor albus di MAN MODEL Kota Gorontalo dengan kategori baik sebanyak 39 siswi (35.1 %) . kategori cukup sebanyak 52 siswi (46.8 %). Kategori kurang sebanyak 20 siswi (18.0 %). Kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil penelitian tentang tingkat pengetahuan siswi kelas XI MAN MODEL Kota Gorontalo tentang fluor albus adalah cukup. Saran untuk MAN MODEL Kota Gorontalo agar memasukan materi tentang fluor albus yang bisa di aplikasikan melalui kegiatan PMR dan UKS. Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Fluor Albus.
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