Penulis / NIM
Program Studi
Pembimbing 1 / NIDN
Dr. Drs. ZUCHRI ABDUSSAMAD, S.I.K., M.Si / 0016026604
Pembimbing 2 / NIDN
Dr FENTI PRIHATINI TUI, S.Pd., M.Si / 0008027806
ABSTRAK Nama Fatmawati Husain, NIM 941417024, JurusanAdministrasi Publik, Judul Skripsi Ã���Ã..."Kinerja Aparat Desa dalam Perspektif Good Governance di Desa lemito Kecamatan Lemito Kabupaten PohuwatoÃ���Ã�, dibimbing oleh Bapak Dr. Zuchri Abdussamad, S.Ik.,M.Si sebagai pembimbing I dan Ibu Dr. Fenti Prihatini Dance Tui, S.Pd.,M.Si Pelayanan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah kepada rakyat terus mengalami pembaruan, baik dari sisi paradigma maupun format pelayanan seiringdengan meningkatnya tuntutan masyarakat dan perubahan didalam pemerintah itu sendiri. Pada penelitian kali ini, peneliti berkesempatan melaksanakan penelitian di Desa Lemito, Kecamatan Lemito Kabupaten Pohuwato. Pokok permasalaahan yang diangkat ialah kinerja aparat desa dalam perspektif good governance di Desa Lemito Kecamatan Lemito Kabupaten Pohuwato. Tujuan dari penelitian ini guna untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah kinerja aparat desa dalam perspektif good governance di Desa Lemito, Kecamatan Lemito, Kabupaten Pohuwato.Kinerja pegawai dalam perspektif good governance dilihat dengan menggunakan Indikator kualitas, kuantitas, dan ketepatan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Kualitas aparat sudah dapat dikatakan baik karena faktor responsibilitas, responsibilitas dan akuntabilitas telah dijalankan atau telah terpenuhi. Sementara indikator kuantitas, sepenuhnya dapat dikatakan baik karea jumlah tenaga kerja telah memenuhi struktur kepengurusan dan tidak adanya kekosongan jabaatan. Yang terakhir yakni akuntabilitas. Indikator akuntabilitas pun telah terpenuhi deangan adanya laporan rutin dan terbuka yang dilakukan oleh aparat pemerintah desa, dan Upaya peningkatan kinerja aparat desa dilakukan dengan dua cara yakni pembinaan pegawai dan pelatihan pegawai. Kedua upaya ini senantiasa dilakasanakan demi memenuhi perwujudan pemerintahan yang baik di kntor Desa Lemito. Kesimpulannya ialah Kinerja aparat Desa Lemito sudah dapat dikataan baik. Dilihat dari ketiga indikator pengukur yakni kualitas, kuantitas, dan ketepatan waktu. Kata kunci : Kinerja, Aparat Desa, Good Governance ABSTRACT Fatmawati Husain, Student ID Nmuber 941417024. Department of Public Administration. Undergraduate Thesis Entitle "Performance of Village Officials in the Perspective of Good Governance in Lemito Village, Lemito Sub District, Pohuwato Regency". The principal supervisor is Dr. Zuchri Abdussamad, S.Ik., M.Si, and the co-supervisor is Dr. Fenti Prihatini Dance Tui, S.Pd., M.Si. The services provided by the government to the people continue to experience renewal, both in terms of paradigms and service formats, along with the increasing demands of society and changes within the government itself. In this study, researcher had the opportunity to conduct research in Lemito Village, Lemito Sub-District, Pohuwato Regency. The main issue raised is the performance of village officials in the perspective of good governance in Lemito Village, Lemito Sub-District, Pohuwato Regency. The purpose of this study is to find out the performance of village officials from the perspective of good governance in Lemito Village, Lemito Sub-District, Pohuwato Regency. Employee's performance in the perspective of good governance is seen from the indicators of quality, quantity, and accuracy. The results of this study indicate that the quality of the village officials is stated to be good because the responsibility and accountability factors have been carried out and completed. Meanwhile, the quantity indicator is stated to be entirely good because the number of workers has fulfilled the management structure, and there are no vacancies. The last is the accountability indicator that is stated to be good because it is provided with regular and open reports carried out by village government officials. Additionally, there are also efforts to improve the performance of village officials that is carried out in two ways, namely by conducting employee development and employee training. These two efforts are always carried out in order to fulfill the realization. of good governance at the Lemite Village office. The conclusion is that the performance of the Lemito Villagerficials seen from the three measuring indicators, namely quality, quantidadcuracy, is declared to be great. Keywords: Performance, Village Apparatus Good Governance
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