Sri Rumiyatiningsih Luwiti
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Penelitian Unggulan Fakultas
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This research is intended to evaluate critically the English textbooks used by English teachers in senior high schools in Gorontalo. The result is expected are guidelines for selecting English textbooks. The guidelines for the selection will be adjusted to the needs of local students of Gorontalo and consulted with the research-informed criteria in the literature so that there will be evaluation criteria for selecting English textbook to be used in the classroom. This research is a case study done in SMU 3 Gorontalo. There are 5 teacher respondents and 10 students respondent being interviewed and answering the questionnaire. Completely the data are collected using checklist approach on textbook, interview and questionnaire.
The data is analysed by commenting the answers provided by the students and the teachers. Based on the data analysis it is found that books used in SMA 3 Gorontalo contain most elements that are suggested by experts. The book used in Gorontalo setting should be selected based on several elements such as practical consideration, layout and design, range and balance of activities, skill appropriateness and integration, social and cultural consideration, subject content and the language type used. It is suggested that In choosing the textbook for teaching and learning in Gorontalo setting the students or the teacher should take into account the elements suitable for gorontalo learner.
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