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4001 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femi Sahami : Peer Review Pemberdayaan Wanita Pesisir dalam Mengurangi Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan melalui Pengembangan Potensi Lokal Limbah Jeroan Ikan pdf 229
4002 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femi Sahami : Peer Review Pengemasan, Penyimpanan Dan Penggudangan Olahan Perikanan pdf 256
4003 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femi Sahami : Peer Review Penilaian Kondisi Mangrove di Kecamatan Paguyaman Pantai Berdasarkan Tingkat Kerapatan Jenisnya pdf 253
4004 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femi Sahami : Peer Review Peningkatan Ekonomi Hasil Tangkap Suntung Melalui Teknik Pengolahan Yang ramah Lingkungan di Desa Olimoo'o pdf 199
4005 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femi Sahami : Peer Review Phytoplankton abundance as a preliminary study on pearl oyster potential culture development in the North Gorontalo water, Indonesia pdf 228
4006 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femi Sahami : Peer Review Potensi dan Nilai Pemanfaatan Langsung Hutan Mangrove di Kawasan Pesisir Desa Katialada Kecamatan Kwandang Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara pdf 230
4007 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femi Sahami : Peer Review Preliminary findings on distribution pattern of larvae of nike fish (Awaous sp.) in the estuary of Bone River, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 252
4008 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femi Sahami : Peer Review Study of Phytoplankton Abudance for the Development of Pearl Oyster Culture Area in the North Gorontalo Waters pdf 220
4009 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femi Sahami : Peer Review Threats to Food Safety and Sustainability of Nike (Awaous melanocephalus) in Gorontalo Province pdf 240
4010 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : First Report of Molecular Identification Based on Melanophores Pattern to Determine Species Composition of Nike Fish Schooling in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia pdf 132
4011 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Preliminary note on the morphological characters of penja (amphidromous goby postlarvae) in West Sulawesi and Gorontalo Bay pdf 523
4012 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Morphometric Characters of the Nike Fish Assemblages in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia pdf 239
4013 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : The Level of Welfare of Fish Farmer Floating Net Cage Culture Around the Lake in Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia pdf 396
4014 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Molecular Approach to Identify Gobioid Fishes, “Nike” and “Hundala” (Local Name), from Gorontalo Waters, Indonesia pdf 258
4015 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : What species make up the Nike fish assemblages at the macrotidal estuary in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia? pdf 432
4016 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Determination of morphological alteration based on molecular analysis and melanophore pattern of the migrating Nike fish in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia pdf 211
4017 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Content analysis of Escherichia coli in Sliced Yellowfin Tuna pdf 230
4018 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Suitability Analysis on Swimming Recreation in Bintalahe Beach pdf 386
4019 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer First Report of Molecular Identification Based on Melanophores Pattern to Determine Species Composition of Nike Fish Schooling in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia. pdf 120
4020 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Preliminary note on the morphological characters of penja (amphidromous goby postlarvae) in West Sulawesi and Gorontalo Bay pdf 144
4021 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Morphometric Characters of the Nike Fish Assemblages in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia. pdf 132
4022 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer The Level of Welfare of Fish Farmer Floating Net Cage Culture Around the Lake in Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia pdf 134
4023 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Molecular Approach to Identify Gobioid Fishes, “Nike” and “Hundala” (Local Name), from Gorontalo Waters, Indonesia pdf 144
4024 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer What species make up the Nike fish assemblages at the macrotidal estuary in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia? pdf 139
4025 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Determination of morphological alteration based on molecular analysis and melanophore pattern of the migrating Nike fish in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia pdf 151