
Halaman 31 dari 668
Jumlah Total Unduh : 31474614
Total Koleksi Digital : 16689
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751 Abdul Wahid Rauf Rencana Strategis UNG tahun 2022-2024 pdf 717
752 Abdul Wahid Rauf Struktur Organisasi UNG 2022 pdf 435
753 Abdul Wahid Rauf Pengumuman Seleksi PPPK Teknis Kemdikbudristek tahun 2022 pdf 513
754 Abdul Wahid Rauf Renstra UNG 2020-2024 Revisi Juli 2022 pdf 574
755 Abdul Wahid Rauf Perjanjian Kinerja Tahun 2023 pdf 436
756 Abdul Wahid Rauf Laporan Kinerja UNG Tahun 2022 pdf 622
757 Abdul Wahid Rauf IKU UNG 2021 pdf 298
758 Abdul Wahid Rauf IKU UNG 2022 pdf 590
759 Abdul Wahid Rauf Laporan Kinerja UNG 2023 pdf 1592
760 Abid Etnography: Linking theory and practices pdf 328
761 Abid Designing an English language syllabus for teacher education programs in Indonesia pdf 4849
762 Abid Learning from English Lecturers' Voices in Teaching Oral Communication in EFL Classrooms in Indonesia pdf 4307
763 Abid Communication strategy and L2 oral literacy pdf 216
764 Abid Is the strategy teachable? A textbook analysis on the representation of oral communication strategies pdf 404
765 Abid Indonesian pre-service English teachers' perceived challenges in improving English oral communication skills pdf 585
766 Abid Unravelling the perceptions of English teacher educators on oral communication strategies instructions pdf 162
767 Abid An overview of approaches to English language teaching pdf 484
768 Abid Promoting English Speaking Skills: Lessons Learnt from the EFL Classroom Context pdf 132
769 Abid Exploring EFL Teacher Educators’ Goals in Teaching English Oral Communication Skill pdf 135
770 Abid Abid : Promoting English Speaking Skills: Lessons Learnt From The Efl Classrooms Context pdf 252
771 Abid Abid : Peereviewer Promoting English Speaking Skills: Lessons Learnt From The Efl Classrooms Context pdf 126
772 Abid Abid : Turnitin Promoting English Speaking Skills: Lessons Learnt From The Efl Classrooms Context pdf 102
773 Abid Examining Indonesian EFL Teacher Educators’ Views on Utilising L1 in L2 Classrooms pdf 220
774 Abid Abid : Peereviewer Examining Indonesian EFL Teacher Educators’ Views on Utilising L1 in L2 Classrooms pdf 121
775 Abid Abid : Turnitin Examining Indonesian EFL Teacher Educators’ Views on Utilising L1 in L2 Classrooms pdf 130